opening day jitters

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Amelia pov

I stood at the door as Mark, our first day shift employee, opened the doors, and people excitedly flooded in each one was given a stamp and at the same instant i scanned them into a database of guests for the day. A bunch of guesrs would take a moment to "ooh" and "ahh" at me, causing me to blush. It had been a long time since i had been met with guests, let alone allowed to interact. "Welcome to the pizza plex. I am amelia, the nytewolf. You can also consider me extra security and the first aid animatronic." I introduced for the first if many times that day. I had asked vanessa the night before if it would he a good idea to stock pile files on human injuries so i can "repair" them as well. She thought it was a brilliant idea and told me to do so. Some of the things i read... I hope i never have to try and repair. It wasn't even a full hour before someone noticed the missing freddy fazbear or even a green room for him. "Freddy is on mandatory vacation, but when he is making his return, everyone will know." I said, trying to copy chicas' optimistic way of speaking. The guests seemed to understand one way or another. As in the adults understood, we either are still fixing him or couldn't fix him, not that i was gonna confirm either way. It was clear they also understood why we said vacation so as not to upset the kids. After a while, another employee brought a camera as we were now getting to the guests who had bought season passes. The fazcamera was commected to the pizzaplex database, so I'd be updated how many season pass holders there were and who they were wirelessly. "Im going to go ahead and start my patrols." I informed Mark as he gave me a thumbs up.

I walked through the arcade so far, nothing serious, having happened. The audience seemed to love Chica's singing now that she could control how loud she was. I was doing my best to avoid being seen as much as i could while still doing my job, considering how smooth everything was going that made it pretty easy. I have a security office positioned between monty Golf and roxy Raceway. There i can wait with a kid who gets separated from their parents, detained guests, and not follow the rules or even patch up guests with some insuries as it was known as amelia's security office and clinic. As my luck would have it, Chica knocked on my door carrying a teenage girl. "What happened?" I asked a bit worriedly. The girl was let down as she balanced on one leg, still holding on to chica. "Me and a couple of friends were following a yoga maze to the finish, and i suddenly had a sharp oain in my ankle." The girl said. "Come take a seat. Let me have a look. I'll escort her back when im done, chica." I said, in which she nodded and left. I tenderly lifted her ankle and gave it a scan. "Are you ok, amelia?" She asked, making me look at her confused. "I know im the patient and all, but you seem nervous." I blushed. Was it that obvious? "It....been a long time since i was around guests," i admitted. She smiled. "That's finenwe all get the first day, jitters." I dont understand why, but her saying that made me feel better as i looked at her ankle. "You sprained your ankle, nothing too serious." I gently lower her foot and retrieve some wrapping and an ice pack. I gave her options, and she chose the roxanne themed wrap, and i wrapped her ankle before helping her back to the mazercize attraction where her parents were waiting with chica. "It's a simple sprained ankle. I already wrapped it she just needs to ice it for about 10 minutes on and off. " i said calmly. Chica helped her sit down while the girl talked with her parents about how nice i was before saying something that caught my ear. "Mom, i wanna do the pagent. I know i was nervous before, but so was amelia, and yet she pushed through and helped me make my ankle start to feel better. So if she can overcome the jitters, so can i." I dont know why, but my tail was wagging as i heard this, i know i was happy, but i dont get why i was happy. After that, the day kinda blurred by a scraped knee here, a rug burn there. The day ended with me standing by the door, making sure everyone who came in together left together, and if someone was missing, i knew why, mostly it was cuz that person left early, in which i already knew about it. The only small issue we had was that a 3 year old had fallen asleep in the daycare playhouse. An issue eclipse easily rectified as they delivered the sleeping child to their parents.

As we all gathered for dinner, Chica placed several trays of pizza with a laugh. "Our guests eat it a lot, so why dont we give it a try." Monty laughed. "There is some irony there for sure. Anyway, how did the first day go, guys?" He asked, helping himself to a slice as mackenzie sat between me and monty. Roxxanne smiled. "The raceway did well. Didn't have a single issue." Monty spoke next. "4 guests got a hole in one today." He reported. Chica looked at me. "I doubt she will say it, but amelia inspired someone today. She was nervous on her first day but powered through, and that inspired a patient of hers to do something she was nervous about. Some sort of pagent, i believe." Everyone one ooed as i shrugged. "It's no big deal." I frowned. Roxxane put her hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" I frowned back. "How dies a robot get nervous? What if i had messed up and hurt that poor girl worse?" I asked. Monty rubbed the back of his head. " i think freddy would say something like...."Everyone gets nervous, even us robots. But the best thing you can do is push through it and do your best."" He said, trying to quote the famous bear. I simply turned and went to my room.

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