chapter 6

29 0 0

The next morning me and river get up the next morning and get ready to head to goats man bridge. I put on a black hoodie with black ripped jeans and converse and curl my hair and put hat on. I come out the bathroom.

Jade: hey baby
River:*I smiles* hey babe you ready for today
Jade: yeah I am just hope I don't get hit on by another ghost
River: yeah let's hope that doesn't happen

River gets ready and we head down to the lobby to meet up with the rest of the group

Wyatt: wow guys you actually got sleep last night
Jade: what do you mean
Wyatt:nothing is there *he motions to my neck*
Jade: oh shut up wy
Wyatt: fine. Fine I'll stop

We get our equipment into the van and head to the goats man bridge. We arrive after 30 minutes.

Ryan: yall ready this one is said to be intense
Willow: intense how
Wyatt: well it normally likes to target females
Jade: oh that's great *I say sarcastically*
River: yeah we know but if it gets to much for you or willow let us know like we have said before yalls health is more important than a video
Jade: ok
Willow: we will let yall know if something happens
River: ok good now let's go

We all get out the van and grab some equipment to start investigating. Ryan pulls out the spirit box. We introduce ourselves like we do at every location.

Ryan: okay is there anyone here and if so can you tell us your name
Spirit box: the devil
Jade: what I don't believe the devil is here
River: yeah I agree
Spirit box: believe it
Wyatt: don't think we will
Willow: do we think it is an entity
Ryan: that makes the most sense
Jade: does that mean we are already talking to the goat man
Spirit box: Broughton *but doesn't pronounce it correctly*
River: Brought in what?
Jade: what did it say
Wyatt: some weird word
Jade: let me see
Wyatt:ok *shows the phone to me*
Jade:*my face shows pure shock* no no that can't be right
Ryan: what's wrong
Jade: that's my last name but they didn't pronounce it correctly
Wyatt: how is pronounced
Jade: its pronounced Broughton like you Brought in something
Willow: how does your last name
Jade: I don't know
Spirit box: rees
River: what the fuck
Ryan: how does it also know our last name
Spirit box: twins
Wyatt: you know river,Ryan and jades because they twins
Spirit box: correct
Willow: what do you want from them
Spirit box: soul snatch energy
Jade: uh no thanks
Spirit box: don't have a choice
Jade: yes we do we have the power not you

We get done with that conversation but then decide for me,ryan and river to go to portal in the tree and wyatt and willow go to the big oujia board. We are doing the ethes method and I'm doing it. (Anything Jade says while doing the ethes method isn't her)

Ryan: what do you want with us 3
Jade: power
River: what power would you gain
Jade: lots of power to control
Ryan: is this the goat man
Jade: correct
River: if this is the goat then show yourself to us

As soon as River said that him and Ryan see red eyes

Ryan: what the fuck
Jade: showed you
River: yes you did thank you for doing that
Jade: Broughton. Rees
Ryan: what the fuck again with out last names
Jade: same. Age. 29
River: how does it know our age
Ryan: I don't but I think we should wrap up this investigation
River: I agree
Jade: no end yall stay with me forever
River: no you don't have that power

As soon as River said that I throw the headphones off.

Ryan: everything okay
Jade: no that thing just said Jade Maria Broughton my full name through the headphones
River: ok yeah that's enough let's get willow and wyatt and set our boundaries then get the fuck out of here

twin paranormal x River ReesWhere stories live. Discover now