chapter 2

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I send the boys my address and tell them they can come over tomorrow between 10 and 12 am. I go to sleep exicted for tomorrow. When I wake up in the morning I put on a normal black t shirt, boot cut jeans and square toed boots and a belt. I get a text from river.

River: hey jj we are heading over now
Jade: ok let me know when you are getting close so I can meet yall outside
River: ok see you soon
Jade: see you soon

I turn my phone off and listen to music while I scroll on my phone about 30 minutes later I get a call from wyatt.

Jade: hey wy
Wyatt: hey jj we are pulling up now
Jade: ok I'll walk outside
Wyatt: ok

I hang the phone up and walk outside. When I do I see them pull up in a black SUV. They all get out wearing normal t shirts, jeans and boots expect for Wyatt he has normal shoes on.

Jade:*I walk up to them* hey guys welcome to my ranch
Ryan: do you own this
Jade: yeah I do
Ryan: that's definitely cool but also do you like what we are wearing *he points to his and rivers outfit*
Jade:*I smile and laugh a little bit* yes I like I got one question
Ryan: what's that
Jade: when did yall buy those boots and how long have yall worn them
River: I believe we bought them a week ago and started wearing them today
Jade: oh I pray for yalls feet
River: why
Jade: because non broken in boots hurt your feet bad after wearing them for a couple of hours
Wyatt: good thing I didn't wear boots
Jade: yeah probably is a good thing because I know a thing or two about wearing non broken in boots for hours and let me tell you it hurt to walk for the rest of the day
Ryan: yeah so what's planned for today
Jade:well I thought we could go horse back ridding then out to dinner after

They all agree to that. I lead them out to the horse stables and start saddling up 5 horses.

River: why are you saddling up 5 horses
Jade: my best friend willow is going to ride with us
Ryan: I didn't know anyone else was here
Jade: yeah she isn't really one for mornings
Ryan: I can agree with her on that

*willow is 25 she has natural black and red streaks in her blonde hair. On her left upper arm she has a bull skull with a cross near it and on her right hand on the thumb she has a ghost on its. She also has her tounge pierced and her ears pierced all the way up and her nose pierced*

Willow walks out and meets us in the stables. She is wearing a normal black t shirt with blue ripped jeans and square toed cowboy boots. Me and willow have matching tattoos which is the ghost on her right hand on the thumb. She walks up to us.

Jade: guys this is willow my best friend from Texas who lives here with me
Ryan:*smiles wide* nice to meet you willow I'm Ryan
Willow: nice to meet you too *she smiles back*
Jade: this is river *I say pointing to the guy with the lighthouse tattoo on his arm* and that is wyatt *I point to the guy with the bridge piercing*
Willow: nice to meet you all *she says but looks at Ryan the whole time*
Jade: yall ready to ride

They all say yes

River: so which horse am I riding
Jade: you can ride red
River: which one is that
Jade: that one *I point to the horse with the red coat*
River: ok cool *he goes to the horse but struggles to get on*
Jade: here let me help
River: no its okay
Jade: Riv its okay for me to help you have never rode horses so it's reasonable you don't know how to get on
River: okay

I walk over to him and hold the saddle in place

Jade: ok stick one foot in the stirrup and then swing your other leg over
River: okay *he does perfectly*
Jade: see I told you could do it
River: yeah I guess you are right *he smiles*

twin paranormal x River ReesWhere stories live. Discover now