Teacher G takes the students Sileris, Hanai, Opayu and Grotis to his house, they find it strange because this house is located a little far from the city and closer to a forest next door
Grotis: Man, what a sinister house (Grotis is a young man who has a respiratory disease, but is still very active)
Until a big Gorilla appears
Teacher G: Relax, his name is Kugar, he is my companion
Kugar: hmfff
Opayu: You are not normal, are you Teacher?
Teacher G: It's like this, My name is not Gary
Hanai: What do you mean?
Grigori: My name is actually Grigori, call me Grigori
Sileris: Grigori?
Grigori then reveals his Clamaric Wings to his students
Grotis: How...
Sileris: I think I've seen it all...
Hanai: I don't know what to answer, How do you have wings? ??
Grigori: I'm not a common human, before humans there was a race called Clamaric
Hanai: Impossible before humans there were Dinosaurs
Grigori: Dinosaurs never existed, All the data like bones were from demons, the demons were killed by our creator...
Sileris: Creator?
Grigori: I'll tell you everything
in the meantime...
Nickles: Oh or what do you think about invading that old abandoned circus?
Levina: Circus? I'm out, I'm afraid of clowns (Levina is a very cheerful girl, but sometimes she loses control)
Naniere: I say the same, you guys are crazy (Naniere is a more extroverted girl)
Talarane: What's up, it sounds fun
Nileria: Man, I'd like to, but I have my dentist appointment, ugh
Likuan: I'm only going for one night... are you going to face Talarane and Nickles?
Nickles: But I was in favor of the night anyway
Nileria: Oh, you better record it, okay?
Back to the others...
Grigori: Now you understand our real creation
Sileris: Man, but why did you call us here?
Grigori: As you can see, my friend Kugar is not a gorilla, he was just a defenseless monkey...
To be continued
Shototsu Clamarial: Chapter 2 Special Guinea pig Arc
General FictionContinuation of Shototsu Clamarial Chapter 1 Arc of Runes, we will follow the story of Jatots Nickles, after the events of Olyris, Cronos and the Clamarials.