Part 3: Protection

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Grigori: I found the kugar in that same place, he was injured, probably by another predator, so I used the rune creator on him, apparently it works on animals

Kugar: Hfff

Grigori: I have a mission to find some friends who are missing, and if it was a very big danger, I will need help

Opayu: Do you want our help?

Grigori: I need to know if you would risk your lives, use these powers of the runes for good? I know it's a bit demanding of me, but if I die or something like that, this planet needs someone to protect it

Grotis: Would this rune cure my illness?

Grigori: It's a possibility

Sileris: Why not, right? After all, the four of us don't have much family help

Grigori: Okay, I'll train you to know how to use your abilities

Meanwhile, someone was watching everything

Hokari: I knew it lol, I was right

The students then read the runes, Grigori takes them to a training location

Hokari: This is my chance

Hokari steals the rune creator, having waited for the moment when they leave the place, He takes Run Moji to his home which is nearby

Hokari: Listen, it's time for the tests

Hokari is a scientist, with a disturbed mind, in his research on dinosaurs he managed to find out about demons and clamars, one day he saw Grigori opening his wings and collected a feather that had fallen, that's when he discovered that Grigori was a clamar

Hokari: It's better if I test the runes on you first

Lamii: Please don't...

Hokari then uses his guinea pigs to test the rune creator, he sees that it worked and decides to use it on himself

Hokari: Incredible... this power

Hokari received the ability of black magic, and one of them is to be able to clone someone's body with another soul

Hokari: Listen to me my guinea pigs, you will be free if you complete a mission for me

Quinoko:... What mission?

Hokari: Find another guinea pig, but not just anyone, I want a guinea pig that is special...

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2024 ⏰

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