『Prologue』(short chapter)

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Many people would say that they don't like danger and that is understandable. That's not the case for Y/N.

As an agent she quickly got used to the chili aura of danger. She in fact, is so used to it that sometimes, she can't even tell it's there. Is it good? No of course not. But is it somehow useful?....

Well she for sure knew how to sens danger but she didn't know how to understand feelings sometimes. The H/C girl is always thinking 'how do they feel...? Do they hate me because of it? Wait no- they seem puzzled'. She hates the types of people who hide their feelings with a blank expression. Of course she can tell a lie or when they don't feel something, but she can't really tell what exactly they feel.

In some situations, she doesn't even know how to feel herself. That's why Y/N mostly puts on a mysterious and playful outside, just so she could seem like a normal person.

Does she need therapy? Of fucking course! But for the sake of this fanfict we'll leave her alone in agony and despair ☺️

She knew the moment she first saw Kinich, or Agent Ajaw, she wasn't going to get along with him. As I mentioned before, she hated people who would lock their emotions away and put on a blank facade of a face. He matched the exact description.

As why he didn't like her? She didn't know nor care much.

Sadly for the poor "demon"(as people call her), just like any other main character, things don't go her way and she now has to infiltrate into another party and bring back some stolen information. And who might she be paired with? Really? You don't know? Wow I would've expected you to at least try and guess. Kinich. Of course it's Kinich.

Her aunt literally runs this whole "company", though not many know, and she had to be paired with Kinich?! The literal only person she doesn't like?!

As much as she wanted to complain out dear Y/N thought it was better not to give her aunt another headache and try to deal with this as nicely as she could.

So here they are. In the hotel room, dressing up into the very elegant clothes who truly are...interesting.

The plan was simply that one of them distracted the guards while the other got the info (on a usb) simple, right? Seems both you and Y/N were wrong. It's surprisingly difficult to work with someone who hates your existence!


"Ready?" You heard a voice say fr9m the door. "What's with the rush? Scared to be late?" Y/N said in a playful tone while finishing her make up and then turning around.

"I just don't want to be late because someone is being irresponsible" Kinich said as he headed to the living room of the hotel room. You quickly rushed after him "You're the one talking?! You were late 15 minutes when we had to meet at the check in point!"

He sighed and gave Y/N an annoyed glance. Though the girl couldn't really figure out if ut was truly annoyance sens it doesn't seem like an annoyed look. She just couldn't put her finger on it...

"I'm going to lead this conversations to an end...and also...you lo- Oh. We're running late. Let's go" the dark haired boy said as he basically dragged you out of the hotel room into the lobby and then you both started planning on who will do what.

You both also had to assure the fact that your hacker(and biggest shiper) was on the line and able to guide you around. Why only you? Because Kinich said he's good at keeping others preoccupied and you weren't going to doubt him because you simply didn't have enough mental energy to.

When you finally got to the actual event, you were ready to start and- oh wait. I didn't explain the plan! Silly little dumbass that I am 🙀

So basically as much as they can go without having to split paths, they'll go, ofcourse, this is judged by Agent Shark. Aka Mualani! Yes they all get to choose their code names and our Silly beautiful queen chose the obvious.

Back to the story, "helllllooooooo! Caaaaaannnnnnnn you heeeeeeaaaaarrr meeee?" Mualani said loudly in the microphone. "We can hear you just fine Agent Shark" the H/C girl said more amused at Agent Ajaw's annoyance.

"Why are you being so loud again? It's more annoying than actually helping" Kinich replied with a dull tone as you and him walked through an empty hallway. "I just wanted to make sure jeez- OH TAKE A RIGHT!" the girl said alarmed and you chuckled before taking a right and walking through another hallway.

"What's taking you both so long to walk? Wait. The radar detects something else in the area. Be careful." "Cround or a duo?" "Duo" the white and blue haired girl answered my question as I gave a "want to do this?" look to Kinich who only replied with a nod and got his pew pew(gun) ready to fight.




...To be continued ...

Fun facts:
-Kinich was totally not leaning onto the door frame trying to fing a good topic to talk about while looking at you do your makeup for about 5 good minutes

-Idk how to call a rich ppl party

-Kinich doesn't know why tf his body's reacting the way it does when it's near you. Like it's more calm

-your agent name is star

-Kinich has the agent name the way it is because that was his username when he played video games with his friends back in highschool

Edit: kk I fixed the fun facts sens they were rlly messed up🥲

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