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"You're happy today." Toby commented as we both walked down the halls, it was first period and we were both in the same PE class. "Is it because you get to wear your trainers?" He added.

Marington had a rule that all Sixth Formers must wear 'office wear' to school, whatever that means. However, if a student had PE at ANY point during that day they could instead come to school in athletic wear. Which basically meant free non-school uniform days forever. Currently, I was wearing a pair of black leggings and one of my many hoodies that I owned, this one was a navy blue with white stripes up the sleeves and of course I was wearing my black trainers.

"I'm just in a good mood today." I said, turning a corner and immediately having to stand still due to the flood of year nine students. Toby seemed content with my answer as he didn't pry any further. "How about you? You alright?"

He frowned, shoulders sagging slightly. "Toby?" I gave him a concerned look. His face scrunched up as he fidgeted with his hands before letting them rest at his sides.

"Just my Mum's new boyfriend, he was around last night." He grumbled, we both began walking again as the year nine flood had passed. "He's a bellend."

I'd laugh slightly at that. Before noticing Toby's still sour expression and my laughter quickly quieted down again. "That sucks dude."

After Toby's Dad died, his Mum was left distraught. She got support though, from all sorts of people, our family offered to babysit her kids when she needed some time. That was before Dad's job got hectic. Toby and I would spend time running around in the nearby patch of grass in my neighbourhood. One notable Summer, Dad had bought those cheap and easily breakable water pistols and we went absolutely crazy with them. I think we were pretending to be spies or something with them. Those Summers seem to be long in the past though now.

I'd be brought back into the moment as Toby's hands flew up into the air as he continued his venting.

"I know!" He'd complain. "And the problem is- Mum says because Matthias left for University we have a spare room. Right?"

"Yeah I remember." I nodded.

"Mum said that room was going to be my new room, but no! Her and her two week boyfriend might need it." He'd brim with anger, before relaxing. "It's fine."

We'd approach the gym hall. "Doesn't sound fine." I'd point out as we approached the growing crowd of students for PE. One of the more favoured subjects in Sixth Form.

"He keeps calling me Timothy. Like it's not hard to learn a name." He'd roll his eyes, before ending our conversation as we got into earshot of the students.

One of the girls looked over at me, before whispering something to one of her friends next to her who giggled. I looked down at the floor, I'm a Sixth Former now. I don't need to give people my energy if I don't want to. That's what my older brother Harvey said at least.

The lesson was focused on Netball drills, much to the groans of the boys who claimed 'that's what they teach the girls'. Which, okay, fair. I don't think I got to do football until Summer but the boys did it all year round.

Everyone was split off into groups, to mine and Toby's disappointment we were separated. Meaning I was with a group of girls who either A) didn't know me or B) hated me for no good reason.

So there I was, with three other girls who from how they were throwing the netball. Probably didn't like me. Every throw was aggressive and with too much force, a chest pass felt like they were trying to leave a physically dent in my ribs. My hands hurt slightly from having to catch and then pass this ball in a square.

One of the girls, Chelsea, finally spoke up. "So, Avery. How was your Summer?"

"Uh, fine I guess." I passed the ball.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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