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Well. I'm a terrible person.

That was the thought that occurred to me as I sat in the reception. Mindlessly twirling my water bottle in my hands. The purple walls encasing me in my doom spiral. There was a TV in the corner that had a powerpoint, flickering through how Marington was a great school and academy, something, something, Ofsted review that wasn't shit.

I felt, horrific. Sick to my stomach. I don't usually feel like this. Not anymore atleast. Not because of my own actions.

When I rushed the mystery girl to the reception and waved down staff to take her to medical, I guess I was running off of frantic apologies and adrenaline. However, now that I'm here in silence with only the ticking of a clock to accompany me, well, I'm feeling rather lousy.

I hit a girl square in the face. With a pencil case of all things.

What a way to blow a first impression.

Oh Hi, I'm Avery and I like to brutally attack people with improvised weapons-

On my list of things that could've happened today, I hadn't thought of this. Nothing prepared me for this and I had considered practically everything from homophobia to forgotten equipment. Everything had been planned. Well, obviously not everything if I somehow forgot to plan for this! You know what? I blame Toby for this, if he hadn't distracted me with all this talk and questions I wouldn't have missed. I wouldn't have injured someone I don't even know.

I don't even know her.

God, what if she's new here?

Have I fucked up her first day? Have I ruined her fresh start with an assault of highlighters and pencils, what if she moved here as an escape from her old school and was elated before I came in and smacked her dreams and hopes down. God, am I a bad person? Stupid Avery, stupid- stupid- stupid-

"Avery?" I look up and I see Orion. Who's holding a freshly made lanyard in his hands. They look confused, eyeing me up and down. "Why're you here? Where's Toby?"

"He'll be here in a sec." I'd mumble, leaning my face into my hands.

Orion would walk over after quietly thanking a staff member again. He'd sit next to me on one of the slowly fraying green chairs. Leaning over on the arm of the chair to look at me. "Okay, but why are you here?"

I'd groan into my hands before quickly mumbling. "Ihitagirlintheface."

"What'd you say?"


"Okay slower, I literally can't hear you."

"I, hit a girl. In the face. With a pencil case." I'd confess, my face tinted red with embarrassment.

Orion looked at me, mouth slightly open in surprise. I'd turn away from him. "I know it's bad! You don't have to remind me." I'd complain.

"Jesus Ave." Orion whispered.

"I gave her a nose-bleed." My hands covered my face as I silently screamed into them. "I'm such a dumbass."

He placed a hand on my back, patting it awkwardly. "There, there." He'd keep patting my back before stopping as the door opened.

"Okay I have good news and bad news-" Toby's voice cut through the quiet, even when I couldn't see him I recognised his general loudness. "Good news, I have your stuff." I'd head the rustling of bags being dropped near my feet. "Bad news, your tipex exploded so I had to bin it."

Toby sat beside me, I couldn't see him, the scent of Lynx Africa gave it away though. "Aw come on Ave, it was an accident. I'm sure she's fine."

"Right- yeah kinda like when I spilt water on Kathy in year ten and then she never spoke to me again. This stuff works it way out."

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