useless items

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It was starting to feel like I was only gathering useless objects,"TF is a glass blow gonna do for me!" I said slightly annoyed, but I didn't let that stop me.. I continued looking for a way out.

I did another recount of the objects I gathered and how I could use them;

• a glass bowl - totally useless.

• a red cross - to be honest it gave me some sort of comfort, maybe I'll use it to say my last prayers before I die in here.

• an electrical safety glove - I don't think I need it anymore.

• a book - there's still a lot of clues in there, I need to go through it again.

• a goblet - ahh maybe I could drink a little wine when I get thirsty.

• an umbrella - the umbrella is kinda comforting too, it's also my weapon.. against whatever is in here.

• a light switch - I would need to fix it to it's rightful place.

• a mirror - to look at my reflection so I can see how I looked like when I died, morbid, but true.

• a makeshift knife - i was definitely going to keep this.

I thought of the light switch that needed fixing.. I placed it on the socket. I was hesitant to switch off the lights at first but I mustered up the courage and did it, it wasn't that dark because of the light that came from the pole outside.

I immediately noticed that the light from the pole outside shone through the curtains and onto the wall that had those strange symbols on it, it was either my eyes were playing a trick on me.. but those holes on the curtain allowed the light to seep through it and singled out four specific symbols on the wall, this was definitely a clue... "the padlock" I opened the book and took a long hard look at it... I knew what must be done.

Crouching to where the padlock was I looked at the symbols at the wall then at the book and I started set the symbols in the order they were

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Crouching to where the padlock was I looked at the symbols at the wall then at the book and I started set the symbols in the order they were.. "I hope this works.." the padlock made a clicking sound, it opened I jiggled it a bit so it could budge, suddenly I felt like there was someone behind me I turned but found no one, I needed to turn those lights on asap! its getting creepy in here..

I finally removed the lock and opened the drawer,
"just perfect, thank you universe for bestowing upon me such a useful item in my time of need" I said sarcastically, What was i supposed to do with a metal bar, might as well just start digging my grave in this cursed house, oh that looks like a nice spot to die in..
I sighed I was really tired.

I stood up to turn back on the lights, I thought of using the metal bar on the door, but it didn't budge.
I sat there for a while thinking of what to do next.
I flipped through the pages of that book, it seemed to have helped me up till now maybe I should follow it more.
I looked at that  'experiment #13'  the one which had the rat and cheese in a bowl.. it was as though the drawing was to illustrate the rat being lured into the bowl by the cheese and there was some sort of ramp for it to climb in through.

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