My Confusion Part 9

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Waiting outside for the bell in the church tower to ring the four o'clock hour.
I raised the massive brass door knocker as I waited for the last echo of the bells peal to pass as I dropped the knocker against the door.
Moments later Mistress Martha opened the door.
Upon seeing the two of us her reaction was very much like all those we passed in the dorm.

“My God you two make a stunning couple.
Come in we are almost ready for the evenings festivity's to begin.”

Mistress Martha was dressed in her signature Victorian style dress.
A deep maroon in color with a wasp waist that flared out below to a wide skirt.
The front had a row of thirty buttons from the collar to the waist.
Above accentuated by a high collar of ruffles.

“Pet, when we went shopping for your gown I only saw it when you tried it on at the boutique.
I knew this was the perfect gown however on that day you weren't done up to properly due justice to it.
Tonight is a different story altogether.
You look like a Greek Goddess!
Frank, you are going to have every woman here and not a few men fighting over you tonight.”

Patting me on my shoulder she ran her hand down my body until reaching my pelvis.
Cupping my crotch she felt the cage enclosing my cock.

“Poor Frank, your going to have a hard time tonight keeping from getting an erection.
I hope John won't keep you locked up for to long.”

As Mistress Martha was talking the coach made his way down the staircase.

“Frank, Pet, it's so good to see you both.
My, my you two do make a handsome couple.
Pet, I will leave you to your mistress,
Frank join me please in the kitchen.”

Once we entered the kitchen the coach informed me what he wanted me to do as the guests arrived.
I was to stand with him and Mistress Martha and Pet as we greeted the guests.
Once the doors were shut Pet and I were to circulate among the guests serving champagne, along with the hors d'oeuvres.
Leaving the kitchen we entered the massive main dinning room.
The first thing that struck me were the three St Andrew's crosses set across from each other on opposite sides of the table against the walls.
The table had been extended to it's maximum length and a second table was set up in a “T” formation at one end.
The place settings were of antique china, the silverware polished to perfection.
Counting the settings there was seating for twenty five people.
Alongside each chair was a padded cushion on the floor for the subs to kneel upon next to their masters.

An hour later the guest began to arrive.
Opening the doors the first three Masters and their Sub's entered the house.
While the Masters were dressed to the hilt their Sub's were covered in a simple cloak.
These cloaks had been sent to each Master ahead of the gathering.
Beneath the cloaks the Sub's were naked.
As the topcoats of the masters and the cloaks of their Sub's were taken the subs fell in behind their masters as they were shown the accommodations.
Within the hour the last of the guests had arrived and the evening's festivity's had begun.

Following the coach down to the playroom we beheld a vast array of Masters and Subs in the midst of demonstrating various techniques of BDSM they had perfected.
Upon one of the St Andrews cross a young lady was bound butt outward.
While her Master used a twelve foot whip upon her backside.
At first glance I was horrified to witness this abuse.
Yet moments later I opened my eyes to what was really happening.  
The whip did make contact with his Sub's body but the impacts were of a low level.
Although it did leave marks the actual hits were mild and delivered with precision.
The whip's motion was slow and if I might say so done in a most loving way.
The utmost care was taken to deliver the impact only to safe areas of her body.

Watching this I had hopes that one day I could stand in her place.
So taken with this display I leaned into the coaches ear and asked him if sometime this evening I may be placed upon the cross and experience this Masters techniques.
With a nod of his head I had my answer.

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