Part 2 - Is it a cat or what?

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CRASH! I woke up as a Mew to a strange sound but then found a traffic accident right in the tree I woke up in

'Well better fix this, and moving around is a bit janky..' I thought,

I then put the cars back in place using the Pokemon ability: Psychic. But I was caught on camera from some influencer livestreaming me calling me nkip leang whatever that is, so I tried looking at the chat comments only to find it was all symbols and gibberish. Guess I couldn't read. then I tried moving my new body, it was weird but cool. I also went in a bush to transform into a different Pokemon, Celebi, then looking at a lake nearby to see that I changed into a Celebi before going into a bush again and transformed back to mew. Then I flew all the way back to my school because Nyxen secretly gave me the power of knowing where you are! Then I found sune walking back home but then, something bad happened. SUNE. GOT. HIT. BY. TRUCK-KUN

"♥♣♦♠☻•☻♦○◘◘◘" She Said,

Hah, guess I can't understand human language, BUT FIRST SUNE JUST DIED!?!

"Mew, MEW!!!" I said


{Music video is not mine its by someone on youtube named braix}

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