Part 7, Preparing to leave.

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Pyrrha examined her findings after scavenging through the wasteland loot she got from the ranger, eager to see what she had gathered aside from the bottle caps. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized that several rounds of .308 ammo lay in her hands, a perfect match for Miló's ammunition back in Remnant. A smile of relief crossed her face, knowing that she now had the firepower to defend herself if necessary.

Next, she sorted through a pile of Super Stimpaks—powerful healing supplies that could prove crucial in the unforgiving world she had found herself in. The sight of them reassured her, knowing that she could recover quickly from any injuries sustained in combat. Pyrrha also came across a few boxes of Fancy Lad Snack Cakes, which were a sweet delight in this harsh and barren landscape and lastly was Cans of Purified water, 20 in all. The cans all read, "PROPERTY U.S. GOV'T EMERGENCY DRINKING WATER MACDOUGAL-BERNARD CO. BOSTON, MA." As she picked up and stored the loot, she decided to have a box of cakes. When she opened it, she peeked inside and saw 40 of the little cakes, neatly packed inside. Pyrrha let out a small laugh, her first in a while, as the absurdity of it all struck her. Here she was, a warrior from Remnant, sitting in a desolate wasteland, about to enjoy a childhood snack amidst an apocalypse. She carefully took one of the cakes and took a bite, savoring the sweet, artificial flavor. It wasn't the most nourishing thing, but it was comforting in its own way. She then took a can of water and opened it, revealing untouched clean water inside. Pyrrha took a sip, the crisp coolness refreshing her parched throat. It was a stark contrast to the wasteland's dry and unforgiving heat. For a moment, the chaos around her seemed to melt away, replaced by the simple pleasure of enjoying a snack and drink in peace. Sunny then giggled, "Now, now, miss, don't eat all of those in one go! You'll spoil your appetite for later," Sunny said as she put her arm around Pyrrha's shoulder, grinning playfully. Pyrrha smiled back, amused by Sunny's light-hearted teasing.

"You're right," Pyrrha replied with a chuckle. "I should pace myself." She sealed the box of Fancy Lad Snack Cakes and put them in her pack, alongside the Super Stimpaks and water cans. It was a strange new world, but moments like these, with small comforts, reminded her that not everything was lost."Who would have thought I'd be sharing cakes and water with a ranger in the middle of a wasteland?" Pyrrha mused aloud, glancing at Sunny, who was still grinning.

"Eh, I've had stranger lunches," Sunny replied with a shrug, her tone casual but her eyes sharp as she scanned the horizon. "You never know what the day'll throw at ya out here."

Pyrrha nodded, her mind wandering back to Remnant. She wondered how her friends were faring. Jaune, Nora, Ren, even Ruby—what were they facing now? Were they searching for her? The wasteland was so vast and unfamiliar, and she felt so far from home, but this was a moment she could cherish. She took another small sip from the can of water, savoring its life-giving coolness."

Thanks, Sunny," Pyrrha said, her voice quieter. "For sticking with me."Sunny's expression softened for a moment, though she quickly resumed her characteristic cheeky grin. "No worries, hun. Out here, it's better to stick together. Besides, it's not every day you run into someone as well-armed as you. Anyways, where do you think of going after Goodsprings? There's quite a few choices out here, and the wasteland has a way of presenting opportunities and dangers in equal measure. Do you have any particular destinations or goals in mind?"Pyrrha paused, considering the question. Her thoughts drifted back to her original purpose—finding a way back to Remnant, to her friends and her world. But for now, she needed to adapt to this new reality and find a way to navigate its challenges."

I haven't really thought that far ahead," Pyrrha admitted. "I suppose I should focus on gathering more information and resources. I need to understand this world better and figure out how to find or create a way back. For now, staying safe and learning as much as I can seems like a good plan."

Sunny nodded approvingly. "Good approach. Goodsprings is a decent place to start. They have a bit of everything—people, supplies, and a few stories worth hearing. Plus, you never know when a good lead might turn up. And everyone who travels to the Mojave goes to Freeside and the Strip eventually. Lots of folks find their fortunes or their downfalls there. It's a place where opportunities and dangers mingle in equal measure, just like the rest of the wasteland."

Pyrrha considered Sunny's advice, knowing that navigating this world would require both caution and curiosity. "Freeside and the Strip, huh? I'll keep that in mind. It sounds like a place where I might find more answers or even a lead on how to get back to Remnant."

Sunny chuckled. "Yeah, they're definitely worth checking out. Just be ready for the chaos—those places have their own rules, and it's always best to be prepared. But hey, you've already got a good start with those supplies and a friend in me. We'll tackle whatever comes next together."

Pyrrha smiled, feeling a bit more confident with Sunny's support. "I appreciate that. It's good to have someone to rely on out here."

Sunny gave her a playful nudge. "No problem. And hey, if we get into any scrapes, I've got your back. Now, how about we finish up those cakes and head to Goodsprings? It's not too far, and there's a decent chance we'll find something useful or interesting along the way."

Pyrrha nodded, finishing her cake and packing up the remaining supplies. As they prepared to head out, she took a moment to look around the wasteland, trying to imprint its harsh beauty into her memory. Despite the desolation, she felt a glimmer of hope, fueled by the small comforts and the unexpected companionship she had found.

With Sunny leading the way and the promise of new discoveries on the horizon, Pyrrha set out toward Goodsprings, ready to face whatever challenges and adventures awaited in the vast and unpredictable Mojave Wasteland.

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