Part 14, New Plans and new Battles

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As Mendez took them back to Camp Khan, a Sentry then stopped them and said, "Halt! ID please." Mendez raised his hands, showing the Sentry his NCR badge. "It's me, Johnson. Returning from our patrol turned firefight..." Cpl. Johnson, the Sentry squinted, eyeing Mendez critically. "Ok, Sergeant. You clear out. I know Miss Nikos was with you last time but who's the new girl?"

Mendez glanced back at Pyrrha and Penny, both looking a bit tense under the scrutiny. "This is Penny Polendina. She's a friend of Pyrrha's from... a different situation."

Cpl. Johnson's gaze shifted to Penny, assessing her with the same critical eye. "You sure about her? We can't have any surprises in camp."

Pyrrha stepped forward, her voice steady. "I can vouch for her. Penny's not a threat; she's been through a lot, just like me. We need her here."

Johnson paused, weighing her words. "Alright. But if she causes any trouble, it'll be on you, Nikos." He stepped aside, allowing them through. "Go on in. Lt. Ares wants you to meet someone who is looking for you."

As they entered Camp Khan, the bustling activity of soldiers and civilians filled the air. Mendez led them through a series of makeshift structures, each one serving a different purpose—armory, medical tent, and a common area where soldiers gathered to share stories and strategize. Pyrrha felt a mix of relief and anxiety; this camp was a safe haven, but the weight of their recent encounter with Roman still loomed over her.

"Who does Lt. Ares want us to meet?" Mendez asked, glancing around as they approached the command tent, its flag flapping in the evening breeze."Not sure," Johnson replied. "He just said it was urgent."

As they stepped into the tent, Pyrrha's heart raced at the sight of the officer sitting behind the table. Lt. Ares, a rugged man with sharp features and an air of authority, looked up from a series of maps spread before him. He regarded them with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"Good to see you back, Mendez," Ares said, nodding in acknowledgment. His gaze shifted to Pyrrha and Penny. "And you brought friends. What's the situation out there?"Mendez filled him in, detailing the encounter with Roman and the Blood Bullets. Ares listened intently, his expression growing serious. "So, Red Jack is back in play. This complicates things. He's not just a raider; he's a strategist. We need to prepare."

Pyrrha felt the tension in the air, her mind racing with thoughts of their next move. "He's gathered a lot of power in the Mojave. We can't underestimate him."

Ares nodded, glancing at Penny. "And who is this? I don't remember her being invited to the party."

"Penny Polendina," Mendez interjected. "She's a friend of Pyrrha's and has been through her own ordeal. We believe she can help us against Red Jack."

"Help us?" Ares raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "How so?"

Penny straightened up, determination shining in her eyes. She then began glowing green and summoned her old weapons, Floating Array. Ares then exclaims, "You have got to be kidding me!" His eyes widened in disbelief as Penny's Floating Array materialized around her, a dazzling display of swords which could also form guns.

 Ares then exclaims, "You have got to be kidding me!" His eyes widened in disbelief as Penny's Floating Array materialized around her, a dazzling display of swords which could also form guns

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