### Chapter Twelve: The Escape

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Maya's heart raced as the guard stepped closer, his heavy boots echoing in the dimly lit warehouse. She remained perfectly still, forcing her breath to steady even though her pulse hammered in her ears. Her hands, now free from the ropes, rested discreetly on her lap, concealed in the shadows.

The guard muttered something under his breath, glancing at her briefly, but dismissed her as just another captive—helpless and harmless. It was his first and last mistake.

As soon as his back was turned, Maya sprang into action. With a surge of adrenaline, she grabbed a loose metal pipe from the floor and swung it with all her strength. The blow connected with a sickening crack to the back of his head. The guard crumpled to the ground without a sound.

Maya's hands trembled as she dropped the pipe, her breath coming in shallow gasps. She didn't have time to process what she had done. She had to move. Now.

She quickly scanned the guard for anything useful and found a knife in his belt and a small handgun. Maya grabbed both, tucking the knife into her waistband and holding the gun tightly in her hands, though the weight of it felt foreign. Her mind raced with the gravity of the situation—she had no experience in combat, no formal training. But she was determined. She had to get out of there. She had to survive.

The door to the warehouse was slightly ajar, and Maya approached it cautiously, her body tense, every muscle ready to spring at the slightest noise. The hallway beyond was dim and narrow, lit only by a flickering overhead light. She listened carefully for any signs of movement, but all she could hear was the distant hum of machinery and her own heartbeat.

Step by step, Maya edged her way down the corridor, her eyes scanning every corner for more guards. She knew Dante wouldn't leave her unprotected for long—her escape window was closing fast. She needed to find an exit and signal Adrian somehow.

Outside the warehouse, Adrian and his team moved in silence, their movements swift and calculated. His heart thundered with anticipation, but his face remained impassive, his focus razor-sharp. He had one mission tonight: get Maya out, no matter the cost.

They approached the warehouse through the cover of darkness, Adrian leading the way with his gun drawn. Elena was by his side, her own weapon ready. The team had mapped out the perimeter, and while the place was crawling with Dante's men, Adrian knew the only way was to fight through them. Dante wanted this to be a bloodbath—and if it meant getting Maya back, Adrian was ready to give it to him.

"We're close," Elena whispered as they ducked behind a stack of crates near the entrance.

Adrian's jaw clenched as he peered through the warehouse windows. His eyes scanned the building's interior, searching for any sign of Maya. His mind raced with a thousand possibilities of what Dante could be doing to her. But he couldn't afford to let that fear cloud his judgment.

"On my count," Adrian whispered. "We take out the guards at the gate first. No gunfire yet—silent takedowns only. We can't alert Dante too early."

The team nodded in unison, and as Adrian gave the signal, they moved in.

Inside, Maya found herself nearing the back of the warehouse. She knew she couldn't just bolt for the exit—there were too many unknowns. The gun felt heavy in her hands, and she gripped it tighter, willing herself to stay calm.

Suddenly, she heard voices coming from a nearby room. Footsteps, getting closer. Maya ducked into a small storage closet, her breath shallow as she tried to calm her nerves. Her heart raced with the reality of what could happen if she was caught again.

Through a crack in the door, she saw two guards walking past. They were speaking in hushed tones, but Maya caught enough to know they were talking about her. Dante had noticed she was missing, and they were searching for her.

The moment the guards passed, Maya slipped out of the closet, her heart pounding harder now. She moved quickly and quietly down another corridor, her eyes darting to every possible escape route.

Adrian's team had successfully breached the warehouse, taking out several guards with silent efficiency. As they moved deeper inside, Adrian's anxiety grew. He knew time was running out.

Suddenly, his earpiece crackled. "We've got movement—multiple hostiles heading toward the back of the building," Elena's voice whispered urgently.

Adrian's blood ran cold. "Maya's got to be near there. We're splitting up."

Without waiting for further confirmation, Adrian broke away from the main group, making his way toward the back of the warehouse. He moved swiftly through the shadows, adrenaline surging through him as his thoughts focused solely on Maya.

Maya reached the loading bay doors, her pulse pounding in her ears as she finally spotted an exit sign. She exhaled a shaky breath of relief, but just as she reached for the handle, a voice stopped her cold.

"Well, well, what do we have here?"

Dante's smooth, menacing voice echoed off the walls as he stepped out from the shadows, flanked by two armed guards. Maya's stomach twisted in fear as her grip tightened on the gun.

"I'm impressed," Dante said, taking slow steps toward her, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "You almost made it."

Maya's heart raced as she pointed the gun at him, her hands shaking slightly. She had no idea how to use it, but she wasn't going to let Dante see her fear.

"Stay back," she warned, her voice steadier than she felt.

Dante chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "You really think you can shoot me, sweetheart? That's cute."

Before Maya could respond, the sound of a gunshot rang out, deafening in the enclosed space. But it wasn't her gun. One of Dante's guards staggered backward, blood blossoming on his chest before he collapsed to the ground.

In an instant, chaos erupted. Adrian burst through the door, gun drawn, his face a mask of fury. His eyes locked on Maya first, then on Dante.

"Step away from her," Adrian growled, his voice low and dangerous.

Dante's smile widened, but there was a flicker of surprise in his eyes. "Ah, Adrian. Right on time."

Adrian didn't waste another second. He fired two more shots, taking out the second guard before advancing on Dante, his gun trained on him.

Maya's breath caught in her throat as she watched the standoff, her mind reeling from the rapid turn of events. Adrian had come for her—just like she knew he would.

"You want me, Dante?" Adrian's voice was a growl, his body coiled with tension. "Then here I am."

Dante's smirk faltered, his eyes narrowing as he realized he was outmatched. But he still had one final card to play. "You might have won this round, Rossi," Dante hissed, stepping back slowly. "But this isn't over."

And with that, he bolted for the exit, disappearing into the night before Adrian could fire another shot.

Adrian stood there, chest heaving with the effort to control his rage. But as soon as Dante was gone, he turned to Maya, his expression softening instantly.

Maya's legs nearly gave out as the adrenaline left her body, but Adrian was there in a heartbeat, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.

"I've got you," he murmured, his voice hoarse with relief. "You're safe now."

Maya buried her face in his chest, her body trembling as she finally let herself feel the fear and relief she had been holding back. "I knew you'd come," she whispered.

Adrian tightened his hold on her, his hand gently cradling the back of her head. "I'll always come for you, Maya. Always."

As they stood there, locked in each other's arms, the chaos of the world around them faded. For just a moment, they had found safety in each other.

But they both knew the battle with Dante was far from over.

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