Cht 3 - School

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A Few Hours Later – Morning

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A Few Hours Later – Morning

The alarm clock blared, and the sunlight streamed into the room, filling it with a harsh glare. Tyler groaned as he woke up, stretching with a yawn. He turned to check on Aiden, who had managed to stay on the top bunk through the night, despite the clear signs of pain.

Tyler's POV

I watched as Aiden slowly climbed out of bed, trying to stretch out his stiff muscles. He winced slightly but quickly masked it with a bright, almost maniacal smile. The way he forced himself to walk around with that ever-present grin made my frustration with him soften a little. It was clear he was hurting, but he was doing his best to hide it.

"Hey, psycho," I called out, attempting a casual tone. "You alright?"

Aiden's POV

I straightened up, forcing my smile to stay in place despite the dull, persistent ache in my back and legs. "Hey, Tyler!" I said cheerfully, though my voice was tinged with a slight strain. "Just another day, right?"

I rummaged through my bag, which I had somehow managed to sneak in from the Phantom Dimension. It was a small relief that I had my stuff for school, but every movement sent jolts of pain through my body.

Tyler's POV

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern. Aiden's usual exuberant demeanor was still in place, but I could see the strain behind his smile. "You don't have to pretend with me, you know. You can take it easy today if you need to."

Aiden's POV

I chuckled lightly, though it came out as more of a strained sound. "Nah, I'm good. Just a little sore is all. Besides, we've got school and stuff."

Taylor walked in, yawning and stretching. Her gaze immediately landed on Aiden, and her eyes softened with concern. "Aiden, you don't look so hot. Are you sure you're up for today?"

Aiden's POV

I gave a nod, trying to convince both of them and myself that I was fine. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit of pain is all. I'll be okay."

Taylor's POV

Taylor glanced between us, clearly unconvinced but choosing to let it go for now. "Alright, but if you need anything, just say so. We've got to get going soon."

I watched as Aiden adjusted his backpack, his movements careful and deliberate. Despite his attempts to act normal, the strain was evident. But I knew better than to push him too hard, so I decided to keep an eye on him throughout the day.

Tyler's POV

As we headed out, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Aiden was putting on a brave front, but I knew he was struggling. I glanced at him, noting the way he kept his smile plastered on, even as he grimaced when he thought no one was looking.

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