Atlas as a lifestyle

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Several days had passed since my outburst about...Kev.
During one of my usual walks, I was lost in my thoughts and I sat on a moss-covered bench, a million thoughts swirling in my head, each one tugging at my heart. I stared at the ground, tracing patterns in the dirt with my fingers, my mind drifting to memories that felt both warm and agonizing.

«Claudia,» a smooth voice called out, breaking the heavy silence. I looked up to see Alastor standing there, his wide grin almost unsettling yet somehow comforting.
«Mind if I join you?»
«Sure,» I replied, attempting to keep my voice steady. I wasn't sure how I felt about him being here. He always had a way of stirring something inside me—something I wasn't ready to face.
As he sat down beside me, the silence stretched between us, thick with unspoken words. I could feel his gaze on me, penetrating and curious.
«You look like you've been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, my deer.»
I let out a small, bitter laugh. «Oh, much worse! take my word for it, I LITERALLY held the weight of the sky once.» I said, remembering a past and unpleasant encounter with the titan Atlas.
He leaned in slightly, his eyes narrowing with interest.
«Love is a beautiful thing, Claudia. It can lift you to the heavens, and when it's taken away, it can feel like you've been cast into the deepest abyss — But tell me, do you want to be defined by your sorrow? Or do you wish to rise above it?»
His words wrapped around me like a warm embrace, and for a moment, I felt seen—truly seen. «I want to feel complete again,» I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. «But it feels impossible.»
«Nothing is impossible, Claudia,» he said, his tone almost coaxing. «You have the blood of a god flowing in your veins. You are so much more than your pain. You have the power to create light in the darkest of places, even in your own heart.»
His eyes sparkled with an intensity that made my heart race. I couldn't deny the way he made me feel—like I was special, like I mattered.
«And what if I can't? What if I never find that light again?» I asked, my voice trembling.
Alastor shifted closer, his presence somehow grounding yet electrifying. «Then let me help you. Let me be the one to guide you back. You don't have to carry this burden alone. I can offer you a new perspective, a fresh start.»
I searched his face, trying to decipher his intentions. There was something in his gaze, a flicker of genuine concern amidst the mischief. «Why would you even care so much?»
He chuckled softly, his laughter like music.
«Because it would be foolish not to recognize the beauty in your spirit.»
In that moment, I felt a flicker of hope. It was small and fragile, but it was there. Maybe I could let him in, just a little.

"Then let us walk, my dear."

With that, he took my hand, and as we walked through the park, I felt the warmth of his presence beside me, reminding me that it was okay to seek joy—even in the most unexpected places.

From that moment on, walks together became a habit.

Alastor effortlessly filled the silence with stories and laughter, weaving tales that transported me far from my sadness. He had a way of making the mundane feel magical, of drawing out laughter from the depths of my sorrow. With each passing moment, I felt the heaviness in my chest begin to lift, replaced by a sense of security I hadn't experienced in so long.
Days turned into weeks, and our connection deepened. Alastor would find me in the park, our sanctuary, where we shared our past and expectations under the canopy of trees. He listened intently as I spoke about my life, about Kevin, and the terrible nightmares that haunted my nights for weeks.
(YES, I know that demigods by nature dream, have nightmares and receive visions during their sleep... but the ones I had after Kev's death... well, let's just say they weren't made for sensitive minds...). He didn't shy away from my pain; instead, he embraced it, offering comfort in the gentlest of ways.

One afternoon, as we strolled along a sun-dappled path, Alastor stopped, turning to face me. «You know, Claudia,» he said softly, a hint of vulnerability in his voice, «you're stronger than you realize. You've been through so much, yet you still shine.»
I looked up at him, surprised by the sincerity in his eyes.

He took a step closer, his gaze unwavering.

«You're finding your way back, one step at a time. And I'm here for you, every step of the way.»

Then, as if the world around us faded away, Alastor leaned in, his breath warm against my skin, and kissed me. It was gentle at first, a soft brush of lips that sent a spark of electricity through me. I felt every barrier I had built around my heart begin to crumble.
I kissed him back, surrendering to the moment, to the warmth and connection we had forged. It felt right, like stepping into the light after a year of darkness. In his arms, I remembered what it felt like to be desired, to be seen, to be alive.

When we finally broke apart, Alastor... WAS ON FIRE?! «ALASTOR, YOUR SHOULDER! YOUR COAT IS BURNING! Oh gods! I'm sorry! It was me, my hands  catch on fire when I'm nervous!»
After putting out the small fire that was starting on his jacket, we laughed heartily together, then I looked into his eyes again.
"Thank you," I whispered, my heart racing.

[To be continued]


Author Space:
Well yes, gentlemen, this is the short fiction that explains how Claudia became the girlfriend of the infamous Radio Demon (it can also be found on my Instagram profile _cla.600th.floor_ , and yes! I personally designed the cover).
I should probably point out that this part of the lore of my OC, Claudia Aureli, should be read AFTER her backstory, already published on her Instagram profile _gens.claudia but which I will probably publish here too. In any case, what do you think of "Transmission Interrupted" so far? If it seems like the typical rom-com where everything goes smoothly, oh... poor deluded souls. Know that in this story nothing is as it seems.

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