Not your emotional punchline

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I was practically bouncing on my feet as I made my way through the twisted, vibrant streets of the Pride ring. The hellish "sunlight" felt warm against my skin, but the excitement bubbling in my chest kept me warmer. I had finally worked up the courage to tell Alastor how I really felt about him. With everything that had happened since Kevin's death, I thought maybe—just maybe—I had found something real again, something worth holding onto.
As I rounded a corner, I froze. There was Alastor, leaning against a table with his usual smug grin, but he wasn't alone. Zestial, that sharp-tongued demon with a penchant for trouble, was with him. I leaned against the wall, heart pounding, thinking I'd just wait a moment, let them finish their conversation before I jumped in. But then I heard Alastor's voice, smooth and teasing, slicing through the air like a knife.

«Don't you see? She's just a little demigoddess, all sunshine and sadness,» Alastor said, a cruel chuckle escaping his lips.
«Weak. Pathetic, really. Her ex-boyfriend, a son of Chione? What a joke. I mean, he didn't even last a year against a Minotaur.»
My breath caught in my throat. I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. I wanted to turn and run, but I was glued in place, unable to tear my eyes away from the scene unfolding before me.

«And the best part?» he continued, a wicked gleam in his eyes. «I've been using her mourning to get closer. She thinks I'm some kind of savior, but really, I'm just another player in the game. She's just a means to an end.»

Zestial leaned in closer, his grin wide, his eyes dancing with mischief. «Thou must truly find pleasure in this, do thou not? She doth all but plead for thy attention, and thou are merely toying with her heart.»
«Of course,» Alastor replied, his tone mocking. «It's all so easy. She craves safety, and I give it to her. Just wait until I need her powers. That'll be the real show.»

My heart shattered into a million pieces. I felt a cold wave of betrayal wash over me, and suddenly, I couldn't stand there any longer. I turned on my heel, stumbling away from there, the laughter of the demons fading behind me. I didn't stop until I found a quiet corner of the hotel, leaning against the wall as tears threatened to spill over.
"Deficiente! Idiota! Sprovveduta!" I kept saying, while slapping my forehead.


An hour or two later, I was still reeling from what I'd overheard when I heard Alastor's voice echoing down the hallway. My heart sank as he approached, all charm and confidence, as if he hadn't just ripped my heart out.

«Claudia!» he called, his eyes sparkling. «There you are! I was just thinking about you, deer!»
I forced a smile, but it felt like a mask. «Oh, really? Because I was just thinking about how pathetic I am.»

His brows furrowed, confusion flickering across his face. «What are you talking about?»
I snapped.«What am I talking about?» I laughed, but it was harsh and bitter. «You know, just the usual. How easy it is to play with someone's feelings. How fun it is to exploit their grief for your own gain.»

His expression shifted, surprise giving way to anger. «What are you on about? Claudia, I—»

«Save it!» I shouted, my voice echoing in the empty corridor.
«I thought there was something between us, Alastor! I thought you actually cared! But I guess I was just another little game to you, right? Just a way to get what you wanted?»

«That's not right!» he shot back, his voice rising. «You don't understand—»
«I understand perfectly!» I interrupted, I could feel my eyes burning (I've only realized later that they were literally on fire). «You think I'm weak, don't you? Just because I'm half-human and I've lost someone? You're the one who's pathetic, Alastor! Hiding behind your charm and your power. You're scared, and you know it!»

His eyes narrowed, and for a moment, I saw a flicker of something—guilt, maybe? But it vanished as quickly as it had come. «You're overreacting, Claudia. I didn't mean—»
«Didn't mean what?» I spat, stepping closer, feeling the heat of my anger pulse through me. «To use me? To belittle my pain? To toy with my feelings like some kind of sick game? You think I'm just a tool for your amusement?»

Alastor's smirk faltered for a moment, replaced by a flash of something almost vulnerable. «Claudia, listen—»
«Listen?» I laughed, bitterly. «You think I want to hear more of your lies? How you've been using my grief to get closer to me? You didn't care about Kevin, or me. You just saw an opportunity, and I fell for it. I thought we had something real!»

He crossed his arms, his demeanor shifting from charming to defensive. «You don't get it! I didn't plan this. You came to me! You're the one who wanted to be around me.»

He was trying to manipulate me again...

«Of course I did!» I shouted, frustration pouring out of me like a broken dam. «I was drawn to you because I thought you understood what I was going through! I was looking for comfort, and you took advantage of that!»

«Claudia, listen to me,» Alastor said, his voice a mix of urgency and frustration. «You are stronger than you think. Kevin may have told you you're 'one dynamite gal,' but you're not just his memory. You're half-goddess! You have power—»

«Don't you dare use his words against me!» I exploded, feeling a surge of rage boil over. «He believed in me! HE LOVED ME!»

In a moment of pure fury, I raised my hand and slapped him across the face. The sound echoed in the hallway, a sharp crack that seemed to reverberate off the walls. He looked at me grimly, as if he wanted to explode, but then he did something that surprised me even more:

He stopped smiling.

«Don't you ever forget who I am,» I hissed, my heart pounding as I stepped back, breathing heavily. I held out my hand, flames flickering to life in my palm, the fiery glow illuminating my determined features. «If you ever try to talk to me again or manipulate my feelings, I won't hesitate to remind you just how powerful I really am.»

His eyes widened, and I could see him weighing his options, but I didn't wait for his response. «I'm done playing your games.» I added, my voice steady and resolute.

With that, I turned and walked away, each step feeling heavier than the last. The air felt like it was closing in around me, a suffocating reminder of the chaos that had become my life. I was done being a pawn in someone else's game. I was done being weak.
As I reached the door to my room, I glanced back one last time, catching a glimpse of Alastor standing there, his expression a mix of anger, but mostly confusion. I didn't wait to see if he would come after me. I would find my own way, with or without him.

[To be continued]


Author Space:
Uhm...if you're thinking of giving Percy Jackson a call and solving this the old fashioned way (by making Al take a big drink of toilet water), you're welcome to do so....

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