Chapter 14

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Flamefur's POV:

The sound of thundering paws was coming straight at the patrol. Flamefur heard Stormstar yowled, "Get away from the path!"

Everyone dived for cover in the thick undergrowth and Flamefur was grateful they were still in the forest. If they were nearer to camp, there wouldn't be much undergrowth to hide in.

As Flamefur darted behind a bush beside Tigerstripe, she spotted a brown cat racing through the undergrowth, his fur sticking out in panic. Flamefur felt a pang of surprise when she saw that it was Nutwhisker. A heartbeat later, a giant orange cat crashed after Nutwhisker. The massive cat's claws were less than a tail length from Nutwhisker's tail. If Nutwhisker didn't find cover soon, the cat would crush him.

Flamefur heard Stormstar yowl, "It's Clearlight! He's changed into a tiger!" The black tom's ice blue eyes were stretched wide.

"We have to do something!" Nebulafang shrieked from behind Stormstar. "Nutwhisker will be killed!"

Clearlight and Nutwhisker were less than a fox-length away. Flamefur felt her claws unsheathe and she knew what to do. Greenstare's voice whispered in her ear, Do it Flamefur. Save Nutwhisker. Prove you are a brave and strong Lightclan warrior. I will be right by your side.

Flamefur didn't have time to look for Greenstare's acid green eyes, but she felt them boring into her back as she lunged in Nutwhisker and Clearlight's path.

Nutwhisker let out a screech and dodged past Flamefur, diving into a bush near Stormstar and Nebulafang.

Clearlight was right behind Nutwhisker.

The huge orange cat growled in surprise at Nutwhisker's sudden disappearance but his deadly gaze quickly settled on Flamefur. His almost blood red eyes staring directly at her.

All of Flamefur's instincts told her to run, hide and avoid Clearlight at all costs. But she knew that she had to get Clearlight's attention away from her clan mates so that he didn't hurt anyone else.

At the last possible heartbeat before Clearlight crashed ontop of her, Flamefur bunched her muscles and leapt up, sailing high up in the air. She easily cleared Clearlight's head and landed on his shoulders. Clearlight skidded to a halt with a vicious snarl and shook himself to shake Flamefur off.

Flamefur dug her claws into Clearlight's thick fur and felt warm blood well up around her paws. Her whole body trembled from the effort to hold onto Clearlight as he shook himself violently.

Just as Flamefur's claws slipped from their hold with a terrible tear, she felt a force against her, keeping her from falling. Through a hazy, pain-filled mind she saw Greenstare's acid green gaze right next to her's and she knew her Dark Forest mentor was there to help. She found her paws again and miraculously, she grabbed back onto Clearlight's back and dug her teeth into his skin. Her claws stung and she knew some of them were torn but she didn't let it stop her from holding on.

Then, Greenstare disappeared and was replaced by Tigerstripe. Flamefur's brother latched onto Clearlight's back from beside her, his thick brown fur brushing hers. "Flamefur, what were you thinking?" He gasped as he was nearly thrown off.

"I had to save Nutwhisker!" She hissed back, her teeth stained with Clearlight's blood.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Stormstar lunge at Clearlight with Nebulafang following. Blackleap came from the other side and together the three cats attacked Clearlight's legs, fighting to trip the giant cat.

Flamefur tore at Clearlight's back with her teeth and claws. Tigerstripe did the same. Blood poured from the wounds Flamefur and Tigerstripe inflicted.

Suddenly, Flamefur heard a yowl agony and she looked up to see Clearlight swat Stormstar sideways. The black tom sailed in the air for a heartbeat before crashing into a tree with a sickening crunch. Flamefur felt her blood run cold and Tigerstripe gasp in horror. Their gazes were stuck on Stormstar. The black tom lay in a mangled heap on the ground, completely still.

Blood slowly seeping from his ears, nose and mouth and his back twisted in an impossible angle told Flamefur that he was definitely losing a life. Hopefully only one life. She didn't know how many her leader had left, but she was sure it was something like five or six.

A battle cry sounded behind them, and Flamefur twisted around to see a fresh wave of warriors pounding into the clearing to attack Clearlight.


Silvershy's POV:

Silvershy lunged for Clearlight, her claws latching onto his hind leg. He shook his leg but she clung on with a hiss. Eagleflight joined her and they tore at his skin, blood spraying everywhere.

Around her, more Lightclan warriors attacked Clearlight, struggling to contain the massive cat.

Dapplegrey's yowl sounded from close by, "Don't fatally wound him! He is your clan mate!"

Silvershy quickly unhooked her claws from around Clearlight's leg with a guilty shuffle of her paws. Eagleflight meowed, "It's okay. We haven't wounded him that much."

Then, Clearlight swiftly leapt into the air, away from the cats below him. He landed with a heavy thud on the ground and Silvershy watched as he slowly began to shrink in size. He blurred from view and reappeared as his normal self. His grey tabby fur slick with blood and his blue eyes stretched wide.

With a soft growl, Tigerstripe latched onto Clearlight's scruff with his teeth and twisted the old tom backwards so that he fell on his back and was pinned underneath Tigerstripe. Clearlight hissed softly, his voice croaky, but he didn't resist Tigerstripe.

Dapplegrey approached Tigerstripe and Clearlight. Her eyes searched Clearlight, and angry flick of her tail told Silvershy that she was very annoyed with the elder. "What was all this about?" She demanded, voice tight with anger.

Clearlight grumbled, "I just lost my temper that's all."

"That's all? That's all?!" Dapplegrey hissed. "So making your leader lose a life and nearly killing all your clan mates is nothing?"

Clearlight tensed when Dapplegrey mentioned Stormstar. "I-I'm sorry."

Dapplegrey snarled, "Too late! When Stormstar wakes up, he will decide what to do with you. Tigerstripe let him go."

Tigerstripe growled and let Clearlight go. He stalked away, muttering. "Stormstar should lock Clearlight away. He's too dangerous to be around non-powerful cats."

Silvershy's eyes widened. She didn't want anymore harm to come to Clearlight. He had been punished enough.

Then, a nagging voice in her head whispered. Cats will be killed if Clearlight remains.


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