Chapter 19

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Stormstar's POV:

Wake up.

Stormstar mumbled softly in his sleep and refused to listen to the voice.

It came again, more forced. Stormstar get up now!

Stormstar whined softly, "But Silverstar..." He trailed off, realising that he wasn't talking to his mate. "Wait.." His ice blue eyes fluttered open and he sat up in his nest, his gaze searching his den for the owner of the voice. "Who are you?"

A pair of acid green eyes glowed from the corner of the den and soon the outline of a white she cat stepped forwards. Stormstar. Her voice echoed around the den eerily as she stalked towards him. Your borders are in danger. Ravenclan cats are crossing over and Flamefur is on her own fighting the whole patrol off.

"How do you know?" Stormstar asked the she cat, his fur bristling along his spine.

I'm a spirit. Of course I'd know. Her eyes flashed with annoyance and Stormstar caught a look of evil in her gaze.

"Who are you?" He questioned, his voice strong.
She seemed hesitant, but at last she meowed.


"Greenstare? The evil cat?" Stormstar gasped and took a step back. "Why are you here?" He demanded.

Listen to me, Flamefur is in danger! Greenstare hissed. She must be saved! Go to the Ravenclan border! Then, the cat disappeared and Stormstar was left alone in his den, flustered.

At last, Stormstar regained movement in his paws and he rushed out of the den. His mind kept telling him that Greenstare could be lying, but what if she was telling the truth? Flamefur could be in real danger. He had to trust the white she cat.

Stormstar dashed into the warriors den. "Everyone get up! I need a battle patrol ready right now!"

Swiftly, heads popped up from their nests. Blackleap yowled, "Battle patrol?!" Tigerstripe and Cheetahpelt stirred quickly as well and rushed to Stormstar.

Dapplegrey and the other senior warriors were a little slower, but eventually everyone was awake and ready. Stormstar searched the gathered cats until his gaze fell upon the cats he wanted for the patrol. "Iceheart, Bluesnow, Tigerstripe, Ashleg, Darkfeather and Nebulafang will be on the patrol. The rest of you will guard camp incase Ravenclan think of attacking here."

Stormstar didn't wait for an answer. He just spun around and pelted out of camp. The pounding paws behind him told him his patrol was following.

They neared the border to hear the yowls of fighting cats. Stormstar lengthend his stride to a swift run and he burst into the clearing to see Flamefur tearing at four Ravenclan cats.

With a battle screech, Stormstar flung himself at the nearest cat. Rushclaw. He scored his claws down the tom's flank, drawing blood. Rushclaw growled and bite into Stormstar's ear. Stormstar tore himself from Rushclaw's grip, his ear ripping. Droplets of Stormstar's blood splattered on the ground but he shook his head with a hiss and lunged again.

Rushclaw snarled and lashed out at Stormstar but the black tom ducked and shot a streak of fire at Rushclaw's underbelly. The Ravenclan tom's eyes stretched wide in surprise as he collapsed, his belly fur singed.

"You have powers?!" Rushclaw gasped in horror as he struggled to his paws again.

"Yes." Stormstar replied with a blank face.

Rushclaw's panicked eyes scanned around the battle to see his warriors were losing against the Lightclan cats. He let out a terrified yowl, "Ravenclan retreat!"


Nutwhisker's POV:

"See? Isn't this better?" Watersplash meowed calmly as she plucked up some elder leaves in her claws. "Collecting herbs is fun right?"

Nutwhisker shrugged, lost in thoughts. He nonchalantly plucked some elders leaves as well and placed them onto a large leave they were using to carry the herbs they were gathering.

Watersplash grew silent again. Nutwhisker could sense she was losing the will to try and make him feel better. He didn't mind; he didn't want her to worry anymore.

Watersplash spoke up, much to Nutwhisker's surprise. "What are we going to do about our kits?"

Nutwhisker sighed inwardly. He didn't want to speak of the kits again. He wanted to avoid the matter until later on. But then he reminded himself that Watersplash was growing closer to giving birth and that they had to do something.

Eventually, Nutwhisker found his voice. "Why don't we just leave the clan? Live as loners."

Watersplash shook her head. "No. We can't hunt and fight. The only thing we're good at is collecting herbs. And I don't want to force our kits into a life of constant suffering. We must remain in Lightclan."

Nutwhisker sighed. "Alright. How about we leave temporarily? You give birth and... and we give the kits away."

"Give them away?" Watersplash wrapped her tail around her belly. "Never!"

Nutwhisker hissed. "You're not giving me any other options!"

Watersplash uncoiled her tail from her belly and shrugged hopelessly. "Well, we could always..." She didn't speak the dreaded words and Nutwhisker was glad she didn't. He couldn't begin to imagine that particular scenario.

"I will not kill our kits." Nutwhisker replied, his voice cold.

Watersplash placed the elder leaves on the pile. "Why don't we just give them to Silverwing? She might still have milk by the time our kits are born. That way they will still be in Lightclan but we won't have to worry about them as much."

Nutwhisker blinked. He hadn't thought of that. After a while of thinking, Nutwhisker replied. "That could work."


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