Chapter 7 : Another Day Another thing

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Kelly POV

I woke up earlier then my alarm. It is actually surprising. My leg and arm was sore, but then again it is like I can't feel it, or something. Well, might as well get started for the day. This time I am going to do a jacket, a shirt and a pair of skinny jeans, because I need to hide the whip marks. I am going to cover them up with make-up before P.E. Plus, if I show weakness to the P.E. teacher then she will just make it harder on me. I don't know, but I kind of look like a rebel. After the shower my alarm went off. Well, I'll make some pancakes or something. I fell like pancakes. Actually, I will wake Mitch up when I am done eating my three pancakes. It seems like I am going in fast motion and the clock is going on slow motion. It is only 6:30. I am getting packed then wake him up. I went into his room. I am trying different methods, this time just run and tackle. I bet I would be a good, good football player. If this doesn't work then, I will drag him down the steps, till he is awake anyway. I don't want to be to mean. See, we are just being a playful mean, like I actually did plan the nerf gun thing but they need a plan so yeah.

We can do a drama series. Like role play that's what it is. On different mods. I would like to be the engineer, because that seems like a lot of jobs, plus I can't really choose a side. They're all my legal guardians. So I will be on my own till I find someone. Plus, then they don't have to do the complex stuff, give them a headache, or just frustrate them so much that they want to quit. Like a complex worker. I will do everything even make a special entrance or a place for it.

I finally got Mitch out of bed, I left him so he can change into clothes, not pajamas. I went downstairs to make sure everything I have packed is actually what I brought home. Once, they get a drivers license then I can just carpool with them without waking anyone up. He came downstairs, to eat.

"Are you okay?" Mitch asked.

"I am fine. Why?" I asked him.

"Well, you seem rushed, or something." Mitch said.

"Oh, yeah, um, I woke up earlier then my alarm so, I decided to just get up and do something." I said.

"Okay. Let's go." Mitch said.

We got into the car and drove off. We're off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Oz. It is more like we're off to go to school, the horrific school of Montreal. To be fair here I am kind of know everything so yeah. The only challenge is people are here. So you could say I am shy when it comes to debates. If it is like a fight then I turn my shy self off and turn on mad mode.

I said goodbye to Mitch and closed the door. I walked towards my group: Bennett, Caleb, and Cole.

"Hey guys." I said, happy.

"What happened to your look, you look like a rebel?" Caleb said.

"Yeah, I didn't fell like having a dress on, today and since when did you check me out anyways, Caleb." I said.

"Oooh, Caleb you just got yourself burned, looking at young ladies." Cole said.

"First, I wasn't even looking at her." Caleb said, trying to defend himself.

"Then, why was your first question about her clothes?" Cole said.

"Okay, I am sorry that I wonder about why she chose the outfit." Caleb said.

They continue bickering.

"Are they always like this?" I ask, Bennett because he is the normal one here.

"Yep, pretty much." He said.

"It would be sure nice if they stop bickering like an old married couple." I said.

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