Chap 18

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I was in my mother's apartment sitting at the bed, staring the stars. I was in a middle of my thoughts when suddenly father jump at the windows, I jumped out of the bed and fell. Father is looking at me and he start laughing, I rolled my eyes and got up from the ground, father jump in to the bed and sat. "What are you doing here, dad?" I asked him crossing my arms. He looked at me and he gave me a smile "Checking you guys!" He said and start laying at my mom's bed.

"And where's happy?" I asked, he looked at the window and start staring at the beautiful stars. "He's home, I asked him to go at luce apartment but he said, he need rest.

I sit beside him and we talk for a minutes, suddenly someone knocked on the door. It was mom for sure, she was making our dinner at the kitchen. I walk towards the door and grabbed the doorknob, I opened slowly and I saw...

"Princess, hisui?" I said then my eyes widened, my father run towards to me and put me to his back. "What do you want!" Father growled at her, looking at them she was with my mother, I looked at my mother tilting my head in the side, confused.

"Uhm?" Father said while looking at mother, "she wanted to talked" Mother said looking at me and she was smiling, what? Smiling? Don't tell me she agreed at her decision. I looked sadly away from them and I just nod. We sat at the couch and my parents is besides me, princess hisui is in another couch looking down.

"Now, speak?" Father said while glaring at her, Mother grabbed his hand to calm him down.

"Look, First. I wanted to say sorry about yesterday" she said and start looking at us. Looking at her, I guess she really meant it.

"Apology accepted, we're sorry too for causing problem at the castle" Mother said at her.

"Thanks, Secondly. I'll give you guys a permission to open the gate and make your way home" My eyes lighten wide at her words and not believing, I looked at her confused, yesterday she wanted to help her mother in the past? Why now she suddenly give up?

"What?! Really?" I said while I jump out from the couch happier, she looked at me smiling but I know it was forced. "But why?" I asked her and sat back at the couch

"Well, I thought that it was more important for you to got home than what I wanted, even if it was unlikely that I could save her". 'What does she mean, she couldn't?' "The queen is died because of illness and I thought if could I say at the past about that, it might her survive" she said, looking down. We was silent and listening at her.

"I remember, that the doctor told us about her illness is never be healed by anyone, because there is no cure for her pain." She said while her tears falling at her cheeks, Mother jump out of the couch and walked towards to her, she trying to comfort her and the princess looked at her smiling. "So, I decided to give the eclipse to you and make your way home at your real time and family". I just smiled at her saying thank you.

"I'm sorry to hear that" Father said looking away from her, he was embarrassed for growling at her earlier.

"So, nashi? Right? That's your real name" The princess said while wiping her tears and I nod to her. "But before you go back, can you tell me about the future? Also to what happened to you?" She add. I looked at her happy and nod again in a second time.

I told them all about the future and the time I got here, "that's why, I got in here" I said lastly.

"Oh, anyways tell me who are you and your parents!" She said excitedly, I looked at my parents and they meet mine, they was blushing, should I tell her? They looked away, mother walked away and said she need to wash some dishes, father follow her and they leave the room. Princess hisui is confused, she looked at me and I was laughing silently and has a force smile.

"What happened to them?" She asked.


Many people already know my secret, so maybe I should just tell it.

"Can you tell me?" She add, I sighed of defeat.

"I'll tell, but please can you keep it a secret?" i said and she nods. I pointed the door, she was confused Why I pointed the door. "It was them" I add.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"They're my parents" I answered, her eyes start to widened and blushing,

"WHAT?! ooh, that's why your hair is pink like natsu-san!" She squeak, I just rolled my eyes and smirk.

"Yeah, I guess" I said.

"Thanks, and sorry for giving you guys trouble. I'll go now and also tomorrow you guys can open the gate" she said while she stood up at her seat. I nod to her and lead her outside.

My parents say goodbye to her "natsu, lucy" she called my parent name before she walked out "Congrats!" She said smiling and start walking out with the guards out of my mom's apartment. I looked at them and they was staring at her blushing. "You told her?! Nashi!" Mother asked me angrily, I rolled my eyes and walked back to mom's bedroom "Yeah" I said closing the door.

Thanks mavis! I can go back home!


How about them, my young parents, are they gonna be sad if I got back and leave them?

No they're not, because they getting another nashi sooner.

I smiled, while walked to the bed and readying to sleep.




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