Chap 20 [LAST PART]

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While fighting with the soldiers of the castle for a whole hour, the white knight called another team to get us "GAROU KNIGHTS!" after he yelled their team name the five wizards show to us, there's a two woman, the pink haired and the black haired one also there's three man, the man with a bottle in his mouth, the man with a mask and lastly the man with a weird face. Looking at the last I felt he was the one weak all of them.

"You guys again?!" Father yelled, father knew them? Did he already fight with them? I asked my self, while continuing fighting the five of them attacked us, we dodge it before it hit us, "everyone okay?" Mother yelled, and we all says yes.

"It's time for your punishment" the pink haired said while she summon a flower beside me, before the flower got me, I jumped out fast.


I don't know how much time we spend fighting with this bunch of soldiers and the team they called garou knights, If you asked me, I guess its been five hours when we started fighting with them, my magic power is getting lower and lower, I'm not only one, I looked at the others they was panting of exhausted, mother was fell on her knees ,father always complaining how hungry he was, auntie is panting and happy is in the middle of us looking around holding a fish of his paws.

"Chance!" The man with a mask yelled, he jump in to auntie to attacked her, then suddenly father jump the man and punch him away, he panted. I suddenly got an idea, I remember that luke had a new spell from the celestial keys, maybe if mom tried that too, maybe she can fight back without any of her spirits, "Mother!" I called her then she looked at at me. "Nashi?" She answered, then happy interrupted us "MOTHER?! HAH?!!!" He asked shouting,

"Oh happy, We'll tell you if we're done here" Father said while he continue fighting all of them. "Focus on your magic, and use the new spell" I said while she gotten up at the floor "what spell?" She asked.

"It was star dress! I don't know if you already mastered that magic when I was at my time, I didn't saw you fighting with anyone also you didn't show to me that spell, my little brother got that magic, I guess you can do that too in this time." I said while continue punching the soldiers.

"Alright, I'll do it" she yelled, I looked at her and she was concentrating, when she was about to attacked by someone, father protected her, "don't worry I'll protect her while she was doing her new spell" father said, I smiled at him.

While fighting we saw a golden light at our back, I looked at it and it was mother, she was glowing gold, after seconds of golden glow, it finally stopped, we looked at her and she was wearing a swimsuit yellow colored with a green stripes and the pattern of aquarius in her chest. I amused at her looked "woah!" Auntie amused.

"Why swimsuit!" Father yelled angrily, I saw him blushing then he looked away from her "I don't know, aquarius lend her power to me and this is the outcome" mother defense her self,

"How do you use that?" Happy asked her, then mother lift her right hand and point all of them "aquarius said, like this" she said while there's water forming at her right hand "AQUA METORIA" she yelled, the water from her right hand splash all of the soldiers.

"That was so cool, Luce!" Father amused, we all got a courage to fight again seeing mother has a new spell and looking at her she seems strong now.

Hour past

I fell from my knees panting, I can't move more, I don't have any magic power left, I look around and still they're so many, the garou knights is we already defeated but the soldiers are not, looking around mother is trembling while she was laying on the ground, she is on her limit, not just mother, all of us can't take anymore fight because of low power, while I was breathing heavily someone grabs my arm and that person tightening his grip, I looked at it and saw a soldier, he caught me , not only me when I looked around I saw all of them by getting the soldiers "N-No..." I mumbled, I looked at my mother and the soldier pulling her keys, then mother feel her keys getting her by soldier she immediately get loose at him.

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