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Tweak tried to avoid hearing the ringing coming from the nearby device by covering her ears and face.

She finally snapped out of her slumber, slowly rubbing her eyes she looked around and saw her phone on top of her night stand. She stood up and grabbed for her phone.

She read on the screen "unknown caller"  located in the Untied states. Too tired to care she answered the call.

The southern man spoke over the phone "Hello, is this Tweak?"

"Hi, yup that's me, who's speaking?"

"It's Rob"

Rob was like an uncle to Tweak that's she had not seen or talked to in forever.
She knew him and her dad were best friends and often kept in touch or hung out, when Rob wasn't on the other side of the state for work.

"Oh hey, I haven't talked to you in ages but not to be rude but is there reason you're calling ?" She said in her tired voice.

"Well you see.." He paused for a moment "The reason I called you is about your dad."

Tweak was curious but was too tired to think too much about it.

He took a deep breath " Tweak I'm sorry to tell you this but, your dad Ranger Marsh passed away from a heart attack."

Tweak froze in shock her whole mood changed

The man who raised her, her pa who was there for her troughs thick and thin, even thought they didn't always agree with the whole engineer idea he was still there for her.
But now he was gone forever.

Rob continued "The Doctor told me the heart attack was caused by over drinking, I'm sorry Tweak, this is hard for the both of us, but I'm here for you if you need anything."

The engineer trying to hold tears in responded
" Thank you for letting me know Rob, It's 2:30  where I am, I can call you later."

"Okay, no problem, goodbye."

Tweak aggressively slammed her phone to the ground and Fell onto her knees holding her head in her hands while she began to cry her heart out after hearing the tragic news about her favorite person.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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