Flooding Cave

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The kids had an egg in front of them waiting for the words to be called.
'Everyone, place both your palms on the egg in front of you!' And now they wait, wait for a heat under the shell. But on her first try it stayed the same temperature. She was already on her 4th turn and still nothing happened. She got to the fifth, and still nothing. Sixth and seventh, nothing. From eight to ten, same temperature. There was only 5 eggs left that she didn't tried yet, one of them must be hers, it must be one of those last one or else she will never be a phoenix rider. Onto the eleventh one, she hoped now she will feel heat but 20 seconds pass and nothing. The twelfth one looked mesmerizing as it had a magma texture on it and lava seem to boil inside, despite the fact it looked warm, did it feel warm too? She placed down her hands on it and waited, waited for seconds to pass but now that felt forever. She thought she was getting a little heat but it's just her stress in her blood. 20 seconds passed, nothing. Only 3 left, and still all hade no sign of it being hers. While it took her forever to find her phoenix, other got the on their very first times and walked off after only trying 5 eggs. But then she went to the thirteenth and placed her two palms on either side, waiting for warm. Like usual, nothing happened. 10 seconds pass, it started to feel warmer. Was this hers? 5 seconds pass, the egg was hot, very hot. This sure was hers! She picked it up in her arms. Its heavier than what she expected, but that was just the minor problem. The egg didn't stop heating up, it started to get boiling hot to the point Stella couldn't handle it and put it kinda harsh on the ground.

Burn marks were across from her finger tips all the way to her shirt sleeve. The pain lowered into her blood and felt a hundred ants under her skin running back and forth. It felt like her arm was burning down to ashes. It was unwritten able pain that what she felt at that moment. It looked exactly like... Ellen's arms.
'No way- Lucky!' A random girl to her right said looking at the burn on Stella's arms.
'I wouldn't consider getting burn lucky-'
'Getting burn from your egg means you will get a Blue Flame! Because Red Flames are not capable of making that high of a heat when they are still eggs.'
'So your telling me that under this egg is hiding a Blue Flame?' She could have been luckier if it was a Light Flame but, guess this is rare too after all. Light Flames only had a very small chance of hatching and she should be grateful for hatching a Blue Flame, but she wasn't... And she didn't know why. She didn't feel the breeze of special she just felt disappointed. Why couldn't she be grateful for once, that she will hatch a Blue Flame, isn't that enough?
'Yeah... Great.' Stella whispered back but when she got a hold of the egg again it was already cold.

The heaviness didn't decrees and it took her a long time enter the cave they were told to go in if they got their eggs. She crawled into one of the smaller caves and placed her egg down waiting for it to hatch. The shell broke down and a small beak could be seen through the crack. It moved around breaking the eggshell even more. But instead of the Blue she expected the whiteness gleamed out of the egg like a light. The birds head peaked through the small hole, breaking down the egg completely. She got it, she actually got it! But she still didn't felt the specialness in her blood, she didn't felt the thing she was meant to feel. Was she so ungrateful that she didn't admire the fact that she got the best phoenix out of the possibilities.
But the cuteness of her phoenix broke her sadness and made her feel full of happiness in a short of time. Her bond with the phoenix was stronger than what they were told. She could feel that the phoenix was the happiest to see her owner and that there was someone who felt happy just because of seeing her made her feel extremely happy too.
She couldn't felt the amazing feel of the bond because it suddenly felt so cold she felt like she could froze into an ice cube. The bird got into her lap, and created small fires, warming up her owner. Then the ice came slowly into her cave like it was a spreading disease.
She stood up and followed the ice, the thicker it gets, the closer she is. Then she was in front of a big chunk of ice wall with only a small hole in the middle. Stella didn't needed to think twice she crawled through the hole with her phoenix in her hand making sure she doesn't get a cold. And soon she was in she saw a pale white skin colored girl with super black lush full hair in a full ice prison with a phoenix that looked like it was build up of ice itself.
'What's going on? Why is your phoenix... well- not a phoenix-?'
'I don't know! But I'm cold!' Stella didn't needed to think twice, she placed down her phoenix.
'Here, she will warn you up.' The small phoenix got so fiery the feathers expanded to twice the size of it. Soon all the ice melted and now they were in a huge pud of flood.
'Not much better-'
'Do you want it to become fog and overheat or just be grateful?'
'Do you rather get your socks wet then?'
'They already are! Never mind, just tell me, why is your phoenix made out of ice?'
'I don't know, thats what I'm trying to figure out! The same reason you have a white one!'
'No. I'm just special.'
'You gotta be joking.'
'Okay well we're just gonna figure out this... Whole... Icy thingy?'
'Okay! Can someone explain why is the whole cave system flooding- What? What is that?' Another person entered the cave his expression confused.
'Well boy that's my phoenix!' Stella proudly picked up her phoenix not even realising he wasn't looking at hers.
'No, no. I'm not talking about- Is that a Frozen Slash?'
'A what?' Stella looked at him confused.
'A Frozen Splash, apparently theres another kind of phoenix, called Splashes. I never believed it was real until now.'
'Okay, who are you?' The girl with a lush full black hair and white skin asked.
'I'm just Ezra with a totally regular fire phoenix, who are you?
'I'm Carly, tho i don't know who that girl is.'
'Stella did you even realise how rare of a phoenix you are holding now?'
'No? Well kinda I guess...'
'That's a Light Phoenix, I heard much more about them as libraries are filled with books of Light Flames! They can have a healing aura! And they are the best fliers known!' He took a short break and looked at his phoenix. 'Why is everyone so lucky but me?'
'Be grateful for what you have, some people would kill for a phoenix itself.'
'Don't keep telling people to be grateful when you're not yourself.' Carly replied 'And fire phoenixes are also capable of thing others not, but you have to find it out yourself.'
'What do you mean by that?' The boy with the Red Flame asked from Carly.
'I only know that, that it's different for every Red Flame. But sometimes they can be useless.'
     'Oh dang it! I hope this island has a library.'
     'Well I hope this island has magical crystals or whatever. Or! What if like a magical waterfall, that is candy flavoured!'
'Hadn't you realised yet? This is not the unicorns and cotton candies island. Its more like the fight and blood island.' Carly's black lush full hair waved like a sea when she stood up.
'But why haven't I seen Splashes before? Are they illegal or what?' Stella asked from Bruno on her side.
'Exactly, Splashed have the ability to kill Flames. But no matter how cold is a Splash it cannot kill a Light Flame. But it sure can a Red Flame!' He backed away slowly not wanting to slip in the water.
'Well how do I hide the fact that I have a Frozen Splash! Sure no one wants to see a phoenix that can kill theirs.'
'Don't let it use it powers. It will only turn into ice when it uses it power. And when flying too, to speed them up. You need to be very careful to not let this little guy use its powers at all! It had blue feathers on its own, if they ask just tell them it's a Blue Flame.'
'So I should... lie?'
    'If you wanna stay here they obviously yes! Now let's get out of this cave, soon its sunrise and we wanna know our phoenixes names right?' Ezra said and without waiting he walked up the tunnel.

Everyone was already up in the grass, as they didn't had to solve a Cold mission. They picked up their phoenixes and looked toward East and waited for the sun to show. Light started to come and and soon they knew all knew what their phoenixes were named. Heavens Blaze, for the small white phoenix that was already sleeping in her arms.

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