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Short Story written in English (We're sorry, it's our only language for now).

The maximum number of words is 3000. The minimum number is 1000 words.

All users that would like to join this event may fill out this form in comments section ⇒

Only stories that will be filled via the form that will be featured in our Anthology book.

This event will run from 20 September 2024 - 20 November 2024. 23:59 PM EST. Any submission that goes after that time won't be considered for our anthology.

Please provide us your G. Docs link and allow us editor permissions so we can add your story to our Anthology special for this event.

Please take a close look at the punctuation, capitalization, and flow of your story.

Your story must have these elements "Halloween, Town, Autumn, and Party".

Only one submission per entry please.

All stories that are submitted through the form will be featured on our profile, so please make sure you submit it when you're ready with the best version of your story.

Form can only be submitted once.

AUTUMN AND HALLOWEEN GET TOGETHER'24Where stories live. Discover now