Wills condition

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The fake lawyer, hired by Victoria Knight, stood before Alexander, Reginald's son, and began to read out the will.

"...and so, it is stipulated that Alexander, the sole beneficiary of Reginald's estate, must be married and remain so for a period of two years before he can inherit the properties and assets."

Alexander's eyes widened in shock. "What? That's impossible!"

The lawyer shrugged. "I'm afraid it's quite clear. Your father wanted to ensure that you settled down and became responsible before handing over the reins."

Victoria Knight smiled to herself, watching from afar. She had planned this perfectly. Alexander would have to scramble to find a wife, and she knew just the person to suggest...

Alexander was stunned. He had never thought his father would do something like this. He was a free spirit, not ready to settle down.

But the will was clear. He had to find a wife and stay married for two years if he wanted to inherit his father's estate.

Alexander began to search for a suitable bride. He attended high-society events, hoping to find someone who fit the bill.

That's when he saw her - Karen,, a beautiful and charming woman who seemed perfect for the role.

But as they talked, Alexander realized Karen was not what she seemed. She was smart, witty, and had a mind of her own.

Alexander was intrigued. Could this be the woman he was looking for?

Meanwhile, Victoria Knight watched from the shadows, a smile spreading across her face. Her plan was working perfectly...

Alexander been a determined man with a singular focus, reclaiming his father's property, which had been unjustly taken from him. To do so, he needed to marry, as stipulated in his father's will. Jessica, a close family friend and well-meaning matchmaker, had introduced him to Karen, a smart and accomplished woman.  However, despite her impressive qualities, Alexander felt something was off. He couldn't shake the feeling that Karen wasn't the right fit for the kind of marriage he needed —one based on a contract rather than love.

Alexander and Karen are seated at an upscale cafe. The atmosphere is warm, with soft jazz music playing in the background. They've been chatting for a while now, but the conversation is about to take a more serious turn.

(taking a sip of his coffee and leaning back slightly) "Karen, I've enjoyed getting to know you over the past few weeks. You're incredibly smart, and it's clear you have a lot going for you" Alexander said

Karen smiling, but sensing the hesitation in his voice, "Thank you, Alexander. I've enjoyed our conversation as well. But I can't help but feel there's something on your mind."

Alexander pausing, carefully choosing his words, "you're right. I'm not one to beat around the bush, so I'll  just come out and say it. I know why we're both here, why Jessica introduced us."
Karen nodded slowly, "Yes, I'm aware Jessica mentioned the situation with your father's will... and the marriage clause."

Alexander looking down at his coffee, then back at her. "Exactly, it's not ideal, but it's the only way for me to reclaim what was taken from me. The thing is, I need a partner who understands that this marriage ... would be more of a contract than anything else."
Her expression softening as she leans forward slightly. "I see, and you are wondering if I'm the right person for that?"

Alexander nodded "Yes. you're everything a man could want in a wife, Karen. But I'm not looking for the usual kind of marriage. I'm looking for a partnership based on mutual benefit, not love or traditional commitments. And, if I'm being honest..  something tells me that's not what you're looking for." Karen letting out a small sign, then smiling sadly, "you're right, Alexander. I'm not sure I could enter into a marriage without the hope of it turning into something more genuine. I admire your honesty, though. And I think it's important that we're both honest with ourselves."

Alexander relieved, but also respectful of her feelings, "I didn't want to lead you on or waste your time. You deserve someone who's looking for what you're looking for a real, lasting connection."
Karen smiled warmly, "And you deserve someone who understands and agrees to the terms you need for this marriage. I'm sure Jessica meant well by introducing us, but it seems our paths are meant to go in different directions."

Alexander nodded with a small smile , "I think so too. I appreciate you being so understanding about this, Karen."

Karen stood up as Alexander Does the same, "life is too short to settle for something that doesn't feel right. I hope you find what you're looking for, Alexander. and who knows, maybe we'll cross paths again under different circumstances."

Alexander shaked her hand, then gently released it, "maybe we will. Thank you, Karen. I wish you all the best."

As they parted ways, Alexander felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He respected Karen too much to drag her into a contract marriage that neither of them would be happy in. His mission to reclaim his father's property was still his priority, but now he knew he needed to find someone who was on the same page - someone who understood the business -like nature of the arrangement.

Karen walked away with a sense of clarity. She knew that while Alexander was a good man, their goals were different. she would continue her own search for a relationship built on love, not necessarily. Both left the cafe feeling that they had made the right decision, and with a sense of hope for what the future might bring.

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