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We woke up and ordered room service. While we waited, we got dressed. I had already told our guards we would be leaving in forty-five minutes to dmv that Elizabeth had texted them last night. We ate our breakfast and left. Our guards were waiting for us in the hallway.
Some looked hungover. Neither of us cared as long as they did their job well. We made our way to the DMV. We literally were in the same line with Julianna and Rebecca. They were getting their addresses changed to the home they bought.

" Aye, congratulate us. I married Rebecca this morning at the court house. Everything is working out in our favor. We decided to go to Fiji for our honeymoon tonight. Our family and friends are packing our homes up. We are putting our homes to lease. We used a property management company we have dealt with our other properties. Our furniture will be here some time with our brothers this week. We have left them keys with one of our friends. We texted them all and sent our brothers the alarm code. We still have to drive to Sacramento to get the rental we left. We will fly out of Sacramento."

We all congratulated them. We loved the engagement and wedding rings. Once Elizabeth showed our wedding license and paid for her new license. She and the two gals took their photos before Elizabeth. Julianna was no longer known as Garcia for her license but said she would keep it for her business license as Elizabeth did for hers. She took Herrera as her name. We now knew or assumed who was the man in the relationship. We hugged them goodbye, and we all left DMV. They said they would text us their new address. We would come to their home for their wedding celebration later when they set the day. Cindy asked if Julianna would still start the same date. She said yes, and that is why they were leaving today for their honeymoon.

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