Chapter 2

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            War. A singular word that brought horrendous thoughts to anyone. Villagers would shake their heads in pity. Knights would look to the distance, recalling terrible memories of their own past. Monarchs would have mixed reactions. Some, heroic faces, others scornful looks. But to the royals of the kingdom... They were left in the middle of another war. Another war sparked by the King himself. Another contest of who was better.

"Luna will need a knight assigned to her as well. Just in case there is another attack on the castle." Edward spoke with caution, his words carrying a heavy burden.

"She doesn't even occupy the castle..." Ann muttered. The master kept her head bowed, her annoyance seeping through her words. "She stays in the mage house out behind. Hidden and protected with charms." She explained.

"And for when the young princess is not with the mages? What then?" Edward asked, his annoyance now revealing as his fist hit the table.

"Enough with the disagreement. We will assign a knight to Luna for when she is within the castle without a mage." The Queen broke the tension, glancing down both ends of the table. Her eyes landed on the master, watching her slowly look up. "Are we under agreement?" She asked.

"Understood. If you'll excuse me... I have a child to tend to." Ann stood slowly, her hands barely touching the tabletop when there was a loud boom overhead, shaking the very castle they stood in.

"What did you do..." Edward spoke quietly.

"That was not... my magic..." Ann whispered; eyes fixed upward. "We must protect the children."

The kingdom was under fire, an enemy kingdom riding their horses, slaying whoever they could find in the castle. They were well within the walls, and the alarms were sound. Ann ran through the castle, using her magic to fling the enemies out of her way while Edward used his sword to find Rachel. The duo worked together until they split, both running to their respective areas.

Ann made her way down the stairs and out the back gates, running through the open fields before running through the illusion barrier. Immediately she encountered a small house that the royal mages called home. Invisible to the eye, a charm set for humans to deter from it. She burst through the door, seeing the two other mages waiting for her.

"We heard the commotion. Is it another kingdom?" Stella spoke quietly, her face showing traces of concern.

"I saw the flags. A standing dragon spitting flames. Red and green." Ann muttered as she continued down the passageway. "We must keep Luna safe. If our barriers are broken, be prepared to lay your life out for this princess." She explained.

"The King is as dimwitted as we predicted. He waged this war." Lucy glared at the floor as she kept pace with the master ahead of her.

"As dimwitted as he is, we must protect Luna. Understood?" Ann growled.

"Understood, master..." Lucy sighed. "Will Rachel be safe?"

"Yes. She will be fine." Stella interrupted. "Master, blood will be shed tonight. Blood, we care deeply about."

"I feel it in the air... Someone close will perish. We must prepare for that."

Rachel hid in the library, just as Edward taught her. She stayed behind the bookcase, hidden from view due to the bookcase being off balance, it created the best hiding place. The giant window next to the bookcase held a giant curtain, blocking the gap from view as well. It really was perfect. She was in the middle of her literacy lessons when the alarms were sound, already in her hiding place before the front gates were broken in.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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