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      What is love? Love, by definition, is an intense feeling of deep affection. Since we now know the definition, the concept of the word should be easier to grasp, correct? I've struggled with this word love for quite some time now. Love, what does it look like? How do I find it, and can I hold onto it? I hear love is sacred. Yet, those who claimed to love me didn't treat it as so. I've had my fair share of holding too tightly onto moments who falsely claimed to be that very word. I can tell you I love you over and over again, but I'm not fully sure of what that means to me.
            I thought I had finally found my picture-perfect definition. She loved me, and I love her. See what I did there, funny, huh? Anyway, I thought my prayers had been answered. God finally sent me this woman to make me whole. I knew we both had our own battles, and I hoped she knew I was there if she had ever needed me. Like any couple, we had our up and downs, but we made sure the other knew we loved them. It was going great for a while, she even promised to marry me one day. Isn't that amazing? Little did I know my fairytale would soon be burned down.
             Slowly, she started becoming more and more distant. Lying about being busy or just plain ignoring me. I hoped maybe it was just bad timing. Maybe something had happened with her family, surely I wasn't the problem, right? Realizing that, I gave her space, but I told her I loved her every night. She'd give me the cold shoulder and refused to say it back. What made you wake up one day and realize you didn't love me? What did I do for you to give me the cold shoulder? I questioned myself every day and still do. Why was it so easy to get up and walk away? I poured my bleeding heart into your chalice, and you simply threw it away without a second thought. So, once again, I ask you. What is love?
              It's supposed to be an intense feeling of deep affection. That's the world's definition. Simply put into words as if it's that easy. By that definition, you shouldn't be able to stop loving someone suddenly. It may take mere seconds to say I love you, but it takes months upon years to fully trust and believe in that sentence. Yet, why does it take merely hours or a few days to throw it away? I realize we all have our own definition or photos of what we believe love is. Our definition of love may be different from one another, and that makes it all the more unique. So, in the end, the real question is, What does love mean to you?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2024 ⏰

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