Chapter 10: Questions

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**Kelly's pov**

After that little panic moment with Captain Man I left the house and walked to school. I got to school and then I saw Henry all confused.

"Hey Henry are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, there was always this empty lot I go by and I couldn't find it. It was weird."

"That's the bell. We should go." Then I ran into Miss Shapen's class. Then took a few notes and listened. But I was writing very word she was saying at the speed she was saying it. Which is pretty fast. Then Charlotte turned around. Then I stop writing. She was all ready very curious about me. Then I continued.

~~~~After a While the Bells Rings~~~~

I ran out of that class. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Charlotte.

"Hey. Do you have the note for the test Miss Shapen said was helpful?" Charlotte asked.

"Wait we have a test?" I asked.

"Yes, it's tomorrow. Weren't you listen?"


"But you basically wrote down very word she said."

"No I didn't. I was daydreaming." Then the bell rang and I went to my next class with Henry and Charlotte. I had Mr. Thomas. Mr. Thomas was our language arts teacher. I entered the class and there was only one seat left. It was next to Henry and Charlotte. So much for staying away from them.

"So today I will be asking the three questions. Your assignment is to write a paragraph on one question and I will grade it as a quiz. Jasper pass back this piece of paper." Mr. Thomas said.

"Okay." Jasper said. Then gave a piece of paper to everyone. I saw the three questions.
-If you had powers would you be evil or good? Why?
-If you could change something what would it be? Why?
-If you were Captain Man's sick kick what would you super hero name be? Why?

"So your first question is if you had powers would you be evil or good?" Mr. Thomas asked. Half of the class raised their hands.

"Kelly what is your answer?" And of course Mr. Thomas picked me. The girl with real actual powers.

"Well... we already have Captain Man saving the day. So why can't I sit on the sidelines. I don't like to fight. Plus Captain Man can't get hurt while and I can."

"Very unique answer Kelly. You get a B-" Mr. Thomas said.

"Henry your answer please." Mr. Thomas said.

"I would fight crime. So a superhero." Henry said.

"Good. B+" I was shocked. He got a better grade then me. That almost never happens.

"I want to be a super villain." Oliver said out of no where.

"C-" Mr. Thomas said.

~~~~Lunch at School~~~~

"That was a really weird answer you gave Mr. Thomas." Charlotte said.

"Charlotte please. I don't want to hang out." I say.

"Why? Is its because of yesterday because I am sorry."

"Well... yes and no. I just want to be alone okay."

"So you do have super powers!"

"No. I don't. Okay . I am just gifted."

"Gifted at writing really fast." She rolled her eyes.

"Charlotte I don't want to be friends." I left her at that. I walked over to Carly's table.

"Hey." I said to Carly.

"Hey, Kelly can I tell you a secret." Carly asked me.

"Sure I barely have any friends to tell. And if I did I still wouldn't." She laughed.

"I am a Wall Dog. Please don't tell anyone."

"Thats really cool."

"It is? Everyone here just think there bad news."

"Wall Dogs just want to be artistic."

"Thank you! Captain Man needs to know that! You understand. Wait, you understand. How?"

"I don't know. I just get it some how. You know."

"I understand." Me and Carly we're finial bonding. We got our lunch and just talk like normal friends. She told me about the play being canceled. It felt nice. I had this feeling before but I can't remember where. Other then Bianca.

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