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King's Pov

Wed life was very beautiful. My darling wife looked so beautiful in her dress it was stunning. The wedding was beautiful however this reception was even more so. My wife was pleased to have all our family member's here with her to celebrate. It was like watching a kid open a a gift on their birthday. She was so happy about it all. However we ran into a small problem she didn't know about. One of the gangs that we do business with gave us some bad information. Not them doing bad but about the Cullen's. They were still around apparently. Which even my dad thought was a little weird. And no I don't mean that they were living here now. They were still in their hotel rooms. It was cloudy today so they could have left. But they were snooping around places. Most likely trying to find some people that would betray us. I wasn't to worried. The people that did hate us had no power against us. The only thing I was truly worried about is if I was out and they kidnapped my wife. My brother rushed over to me as I watch my wife dance among the other females here tonight happily. 

"I have some news you might want to hear."

My father wasn't to pleased with my brother yet and scowled.

"It's his wedding day."

"It's about the Cullen's."

My head snapped at my brother seeing his worried expression.

"What is it."

He gulped like he was scared telling me I would kill him.

"Speak now or I will cut your tongue out brother."

"The Cullen's split up. A few of them headed off around Italy and Russia trying to find a gang or another Mafia that will take us down. Even Japan....The other one's are trying find more.....Pests to take us down or kidnap Bella. We don't know which one is true. All we know is they are trying for both. If they can't do one they will do the other."

I scowl. I lean back slowly watching my beautiful wife.

"So these pests want to try and grab anything they can do they can get my wife away from me...."

I chuckle slightly which my friend looks at me worried.

"What are you going to do."

"It's my wedding night. I am not doing anything. What I will do is take my women on our honey moon. With the guards I intended to take. Now these guards will have the weapons to take down those pests if needed. Now when I get back that's a whole different story my friend. Those pests won't know what hit them. They think doing this will work with people that are loyal to me? I don't think so. They don't know who the fuck they are fucking with. I am done playing nice to anyone who wants to take my wife from me. And that little boy needs to be taught that he can't always have what he wants. That is not how the world works. You have to work for what you want. And stealing is bad....Haha..."

I smirked carefully as my wife looks at me for a split second before heading over for something to drink.

"See my wife doesn't need to know what's going on just yet. With the baby she doesn't need the stress. However if Edward and his family doesn't stop by the time I get back. Then my wife will have a present....His head. Now dear brother I need you to tell that gang that told you this to tell us anything else they say to them or anyone else. Keep track of it all while I am away."

My brother nodded heading off quickly. My wife slowly made her way back and sat on my lap breathing out.

"You go ok pretty girl you look spooked out?"

My Queen shook her head looking at me scared.

"I swore I saw..."

My body went still. My father's head flipped a bitch looking at my wife with worry.

"You seen what baby...."


"Alice Cullen."

She nodded slowly. My body went alert.

"Where baby."

She points over to the south part of our vineyard. My father spoke.

"Are you sure?"

"I know I seen her King..."

I kissed her forehead.

"I believe baby.....Why don't you eat something I will take care of this."

She nodded sitting next to my dad I gestured for one of my guards to come they leaned down and I whispered in their ears.

"Check out the south of the vineyard please and the front and back entrances. Ask survalane to make sure that none of the Cullen's are on property. You see any of them you shoot them dead with nightshade laced bullets."

He nods and heads off speaking into his ear piece. I rubbed my girls back as my friend leans over finally getting away from his boyfriend.

"What's wrong."

"Cullen's are here at least one. My woman saw pixie."

My friend nodded getting up heading off more then likely to help security to ensure himself that they weren't here. I believed my woman she looked worried. She wouldn't have been so spooked like that. She tapped my arm and I look down she gestures for me to come closer and I lean down letting her whisper in my ear.

"I want chocolate please..."

I smiled softly nodding before I whispered to one of the butler to fetch some good chocolate for my wife. I was worried for her. I would keep her safe til I died. And even then I would make sure she still had protection. Things would not be normal. But they were normal to us. For her she didn't know how to protect herself in this life. She didn't need to. Her hands will not be dirty from blood unless she had to. I would take care of all her needs. My friend waved from the north sector and I looked directly at him and he nodded. I growled lightly. He held up 2 meaning there was fucking 2 of them. I look to my dad and sighed.

"Dad will you watch sweetie for a moment."

Dad nod. Bella spoke.

"She was here wasn't she."

"Yeah baby don't worry I will take care of it.....We will have to set our honey moon a little back but I promise I will make it up."

She nodded.

"I know. This is more important we can go on our honeymoon anytime."

I smiled to her looking at dad and he nodded. I took off towards my friend to take care of this. My friend spoke.

"It's not Alice Cullen that we caught she was here though. Some other leech that isn't in their family is here....Some red head....And they had Renee Dwyers head in a box on your bed sir.....A note..."

He handed me the small note and a picture of Renee's head in the box....

From Edward,

Love I don't understand why you had to misbehave and run from me and hide with that son of a bitch. Now you will have to be punished first your mother....Next Charlie. And maybe Jacob to....Depends on how good and generous I am feeling.

I see red...Fuck.....this....Every one of them will die.

"Send out a message to every fucking one we know. Anyone sees them kill them on sight first one to bring me the whole family's heads will be rewarded with 15 million dollars. And any extra heads of leech's or traitors will be extra be money or guns or even fucking drugs hell I will give my fucking prostitutes to them if they fucking want those whores!!! You kill them all!!!! My wife will not be living in fucking fear of those fucking filthy pests! Warn Billy Black about this."

"Yes sir..."

My eye twitched. They thought hell was bad......I was about to show them how hell really felt like....A fucking blood bath. Those motherfuckers wanted to play this game oh they would get the game they wanted. A game they thought they would win. But they didn't know they would never fucking win against me.....I seen red. Fucking nothing but red. Every single fucking vampire was going to fucking die on sight.....

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