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King's Pov

The moment the plane landed Isabella was amazed by everything she saw. She loved it all and I was happy. And sort of amused by her reaction. She was thankful about everything I gave she would thank me so much it would put my head in a spin with how many times she said it. But it just showed me she was thankful for anything. Which was good and bad. Depending how it was used for her. I lead her off the plane as the butler quickly helped get out luggage out. I nodded seeing my father come out of the home Isabella was still looking in wonder and it made my father look at her in wonder. She was like my mother before she passed. You can see it in my fathers eyes. He nods to me as I guide Isabella over to my father and he grabs her hand kissing it respectfully. Isabella was a shy girl still and I adored it. My father spoke gently.

"Welcome to Italy little one. My son has filled me in on a few things. Trust and believe here in Italy especially with my family we do not take traitors well no matter what kind of move you make if you betray one of us you betray us all and will be punished. You are welcomed here. You are now under our protection now my son says you have said yes to the marriage."

I knew my dad would bring this up right away. Isabella nods before smiling as my dad continues.

"Then we shall plan the wedding for a date soon. And you will be able to choose whatever you wish. For now why not have you settled in. I am sure my son will want to do that for you. So I will have the chef prepare a good meal for dinner tonight when you can meet his brother as well."

My dad gave me a pity look before taking off. I made sure to show Isabella around making her comfortable. My brother was a whole other person. He was an asshole for sure and tried taking everything I had. He was pissed the last time I seen him because dad wanted me to take over the business and he wanted to. He left and I didn't even know he was back. He had the same slut on his arm the whole time. Lexi....A chick that my father hated. She always spoke out of turn and never respectful to him which was a main thing in this family was respect. See not only did my father like Isabella because of how she looks and acts like my mother who passed. She respected him the moment she seen him. Bowing her head slightly and all that. She knew how to be respectful. My brother was a dick. He was immature. And my father hated it. Because he wanted to run the family business yet he can barley bring home a decent girl let alone think right. He would get everyone hurt. 

Right before dinner I let Isabella know everything about my brother and his slut. She said she would try and not take to much of it into her heart. Which I knew she would at some point but hopefully we had a calm dinner. Dad told me just be prepared. The top members of our mafia was going to eat dinner together tonight. My dad was going to tell them the news. I had gotten dressed and made myself feel good made my self look a little like my father though...

 I had gotten dressed and made myself feel good made my self look a little like my father though

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It was a classy Italian dinner. Which meant nothing to fancy but also not to comfy either. Italian wears for this type of dinner was classical like wine tasting dresses not a cocktail look like going to a party or big event no with the gang we had to look sweet and cleaned up. And respectable. The main Madison was helping my beautiful Fiance get dressed and the moment her door opened my eyes widen. 

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