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I stare at him in disbelief. Sugar pop. Wow. I wonder what he will call my- nevermind. I ain't going there! forget it. He stares at me with so much lust that I can't handle it. No matter if my hands are wet I take his face in my hands and I press my lips to his. I pull away before he can kiss me back. He looks at me sadly. I shake my head.

"Get out I have to get dressed." I hiss trying to cover up again. He nods and leaves. He doesn't leave the bedroom though. I don't care.
I grab the first pair of clothes and admire it is shock.

This underwear is practically see through! I grumble to Sophie.

She snickers then turns to adoration.
Just embrace it girl. You might get your lucky break...

What is that supposed to mean? I ask Sophie curiously and sort of scared for her answer. But she never answers me, all I can hear is her laughing at me.

I smirk then frown at her sudden laughing. Wow. Your a lot of help!

I know. she giggles one more time then never comes back to my thoughts.

"I hope you know that when I said that I can hear what your thinking because we are mates also means that when I am this close to you I can also hear you talking to your wolf. You know that right?" Corey said through the bathroom door. I blush awkwardly realizing my mistake. I look at the tank top laying there in bright rainbow color with "Team Spirit!" on it. I slip it on over my bra and I get the jean shorts and slip them on. They are awfully short. I wonder if Corey would care. Or even RELIZE? I step out of the bathroom and Corey looks me up and down, his eye wandering my body.

"Your not going down to dinner like that." Corey states. I shake my head in protest. I fold my arms and plant my feet.

"I beg to differ! this is what the maid gave me and this is what I plan to wear. It's a normal girls normal everyday outfit. So I am wearing it!" I protest.

He shakes his head and drags me out of the room like I'm his daughter that he just found out had a boyfriend.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask him. He stops and looks at me.

"We are going to dinner. Where else?" he says as if I'm dumb.

"Well, you do know I can walk right?" I say smarty like.

He lets me go and motions me to follow. I do and soon we are going through two big double doors that are a little bigger than our bedroom door. Before we walk in, Corey turns to me "by the way, my parents are here. That's why I didn't want you to wear that. But oh well. Act I your best behavior."

'His parents! why didn't I know this before now? They are going to think I look like a stripper!' I think nervously.

"Sugar pop, calm down! your thoughts are so jumbled up, I can't even read them. I know your nervous, but everything is going to be fine. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before now. Just don't worry. They are going to love you!" He says attempting to calm me down.

I nod and we walk into the big doors. I suddenly see a dark haired lady running toward me with open arms. I shiver when she wraps me in a bear hug.

We all talked and it was a nice dinner. I enjoyed it.

Authors note!!!!!

Hey guys. I'm updating tomorrow. I've just stayed up almost all night writing that marathon. Well not marathon. You know what I mean. Well technically yes because I just wrote three freaking chapters! all in about two hours. I already go to bed at midnight. Plus those couple hours I stayed up. I'm just being a writer I guess. I've decided to get some sleep and writ the next chapter tomorrow ok guys? Okay! Let's do this!


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