Lets talk.

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Celeste came rushing in with a pile of folded clothes.

"Follow me. You will see to your room and you can shower and change. Alpha will come get you for dinner when it is ready." She rushes me up the stairs.

I get to big door on the left on a long hallway full of other doors. The door is a cream color while the others are wood. We must be here. She nudges me in and I follow her after I decide I don't wanna go in first. The room is all white. Except for the bed covers, the curtains, the couch, dressers, carpet, bathroom and closet door, and finally the lamp shade. They were all a light shade of yellow. It was absolutely beautiful!

"Um. Is this the door to the bathroom?" I ask the older woman. She looked to be about in her fifties. She nods and pulls me in. I'm stunned at what I see. A giant bathtub with a stand up shower next to it. The showers doors have to be clear, don't they? She asked would I prefer shower or bath and I said bath. She warms the water and fills it up.

"Have a nice bath. Don't let the alpha walk in!" she smiles and winks.

I nod and she leaves. I strip off my dirty clothes and throw them to the side and I slowly get in the bath. I set there in the still warmness as I let my muscles relax. I hear the bedroom door open. Then shut. I hear footsteps come to the bathroom door.

"Verny? You in there?" Corey calls to me. Of course I ignore him and hold my breath as I feel him practically watching me through the door. "Veronica Willow, answer me!" he sounds aggravated. I just sit there frozen. Then the door bust open. I scream and quickly cover myself up.

"Oh Verny don't do that to me! you scared me half to death. I thought you-" he starts and I cut him off quickly.

"But I didn't. I was just thinking and got lost in my thoughts. I didn't hear you honey bear. Ok? I'm sorry." I tell him.
OMG! I called him honey bear! I now have my nickname for him. I see is look of shock at the sudden nickname. I giggle in response.

Corey's POV

What did she just call me?

"I called you honey bear!" she giggles.

Did I think that out loud? So now I have a nickname. Sweet! I don't mean to rush into things but I love Verny more than I could anyone else. I just really do! it's the mate bond side effects. Typical. But does she love me the same? I wonder if she would ever tell me. Ug. Me and my stupid brain. I hit myself in the head with my palm. Verny's sweet face turns to confusion.

"Um. Uh duh. Yeah you called me uh...honey bear. Wow! Thanks sugar pop!" I look at my feet. Did I really just call her that? looks like I don't have to have the whole nickname conversation like I planned to come in here to have. Now that I have my own nickname.

Authors note!!!!!!!!

Hey! I'm so glad if your reading this! you are making me the happiest girl alive right now if you are





Thanks guys. I love you!


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