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-Next day at high school-
"Hey Kim." Abby said as she smiles
Kim smiles
"Hey Abby," Kimberly said as she smiles
"How you liking it here so far?" Abby asked
"Good, glad to see a familiar face." Kimberly said
"Hey, I'm always here Kim. I'll give you my number in case you feel alone or anything." Abby said putting her number in Kim's phone
"Thanks Abby, really." Kimberly said
Abby smiles
" I have cheer practice, I'll see you at the department." Abby said
"Is it okay if I sit and wait with you." Kimberly said
"Of course! Come on." Abby said as she smiles
-Cheer Practice-
"Who invited the new girl?" Juliet said
"She looks lost. Awe." Annie said laughing
Juliet grabs the mic
"Hey! Cheers only. No freaks!" Juliet said
Cheer team laughs
"Fuck off Juliet." Abby said mad
Juliet laughs
"Oh your friends with this freak?!" Juliet said
"You have been a pain Juliet..Ever since you CHEATED on Marcus." Abby said angry
Whole cheer squad gasped, as Juliet tackles Abby... As they both started fighting
Fight (10x) Cheer squad yells

Abby punched Juliet in the cheek, as Juliet punched Abby in the eye..Cheer coach push them apart
"Go to the nurses office and principles!" Coach yelled
Abby went to the principles, Juliet went to the nurses office

-At the Principle's office-
"Abby Rodriguez... Why did this happened? I told you if I see you in my office again.. you're Suspended for two weeks. It's your coach that decides you're on the team or not. " Principle said
Abby laughs looking down
" Juliet completely made fun of a girl there." Abby said annoyed
"Doesn't give you the right to punch her." Principle said
"Okay, But aren't we supposed to NOT stand with bullies? This is stupid. I'll take this dumb two week shit! But, I know what's right! " Abby said grabbing her bag and leaves to her car
—-At the department-
"Woah Abby, darling you okay?" Jade asked seeing her with tears
Jess is off, she's with her son Martin
Abby shakes her head,as her hair covers her face
"Tell me what's wrong?" Jade asked worried
Abby picks her head up, hair went got out of her face, as Jade gasp
"No. Who did this to you?" Jade asked
Abby looks down
"Juliet." Abby said mad voice
Jade shakes her head
"Come on." Jade held her close, knocks on Matt's door
Matt looks up, as he heard the knock
"Abby? "Matt said jumping out his seat and went to his daughter seeing her black eye
Jade text Jess to come to the department
Madi and Marco and Andrew made their way over to Matt's office
Marco held Jade waist
"Baby, what happened?" Jess asked
" Juliet, she was being mean to Kim. I had enough of her petty stuff of faking to the hurt one. And I told her she been the pain ever since she cheated on Marcus. She attacked me. I punched her cheek, she punched my eye." Abby said
Andrew gave Matt the ice back, Matt placed the ice pack on Abby eye
Marcus and Toby walks in
"Abby!" Toby said grabs her hand "what happened?" Toby added worried
Marcus covered his mouth
Abby told them what happened
Marcus shakes his head, as he leaves
"Marcus!" Abby said standing up, as Marcus already left
-At Juliet house-
Marcus knocks on the door
"Marcus!" Juliet said amazed that he's here
"What the fuck Juliet!" Marcus said upset
"What's ?" Juliet said
"You and Abby was fighting?" Marcus said trying to stay calm
"She attacked me! She hurt me. Look a bruise on my cheek!" Juliet said
"Juliet. Stop! I saw the video someone posted.  Being a bully to a girl you don't even know.  You changed. Really.  Abby and I can't do this.  I can't do this.  I missed you a lot! But you cheated on me.  On me. What the fuck did I do to you to do that to me.  All I'm asking is for you to leave my family and I alone.  We have a lot going on. Please respect us .. as we been respecting your new life. " Marcus said leaving
Juliet was shocked on what Marcus had said as she closes her front door .

-Back at the department-
Abby and Toby
"Why didn't you call or text me when this happened babe?" Toby asked as he place his hand on Abby cheek
"It happened so fast. " Abby said as she place her hand on his arm
"I'm just glad you're okay baby, I'm serious." Toby said as he looks at Abby , she looks at him as they started kissing
"Woah, sorry to interrupt," Kimberly said put her hand over her eyes
Toby chuckles, as Abby laughs little
"You're good Kim." Abby said
"I want to say thank you for sticking up for me. It was really nice of you ." Kimberly said
"No problem, this family doesn't like or tolerate bullying." Abby said as she smiles "my cousin really likes you. So you are part of this family." Abby added with a smile
Toby smiles and nods holding Abby waist close to him rubbing her side 

Kimberly smiles and nods
Marcus walks in
"Hey." Marcus said as he went to Abby
"Hey Mar." Abby said
Marcus hugs Abby, Abby hugs back
"I'm sorry you had to do that.." Marcus said
"If I didn't, It wouldn't look right." Abby said
"I went to her house." Marcus said
Kimberly stands there looking at the bottom of her arms sleeves
"What happened?" Toby asked
"She act like you jumped her, Started crying and I told her to stop lying,. I told her to leave you and our family alone and left." Marcus said looking at Abby and Toby then at Kimberly
"That's good right?" Toby said
Marcus looks at Kimberly, nods looks back at Toby
"I'm go into the shooting range, If ya'll need me." Marcus said leaving
Abby looks at Kimberly
"Go. Go to the shooting range. " Abby said
"It was an invite for you Kim." Toby said
Kimberly took a deep breath and goes to the shooting range
"Hey." Kimberly said
Marcus looks at Kimberly and smiles
"Hi."Marcus said
"Are you ok?"Kimberly asked sitting next to him
"Yeah, I'm good. Are you ok?" Marcus asked looking at her
"Yeah, I'm okay. I should expect that since she was your girlfriend. Seeing Abby with a girl that isn't her." Kimberly said
"She had to understand what she did wrong of her cheating on me. She act like it was nothing." Marcus said
Kimberly smiles at Marcus, Marcus looks at Kimberly, Kimberly kisses Marcus
"I can't believe Juliet." Jade said
"I know, But it's Marcus life babygirl. He has to handle that." Marco said
Jade nods
"I know." Jade said
Marco brings Jade into a hug, and kisses her, Jade kisses back
"I love you." Jade said
"I love you babygirl." Marco said with a smile
"Hey J and Mar." Matt said as he smiles
"Hey." Marco said as he smiles
Jade stays in Marco arms
"Thank you for texting me babe to get here, and saw her and bringing her to Matt." Jessica said as she smiles
"Of course! I know y'all would've done the same." Jade said
"Yes! Of course!" Matt and Jess said
"She got two days out of school. The principal called to tell me... and she threw attitude toward him." Jessica said rolling her eyes, crossing her arms
"The principal annoying. Apparently bullying doesn't matter at schools anymore. " Jade said
"I'm glad she defended herself. " Marco said
"Me too!"Matt said
Alex comes in laughing
"What's funny Alex ?" Matt asked
"Check this video out! It's viral!" Alex said showing them the video
It shows Juliet and Abby talking and then Juliet jumped on Abby and them fighting
"Ohh!" Marco said covering his mouth
"She punched her cheek!" Matt said
Jessica and Jade giggles
"She had it coming!" Jade said
Jessica laughs
"She did, Abby got a hand on her. Wouldn't want to mess with her. " Alex said
"She's daughter of creed!" Jade said laughing
Jessica laughs
"For sure." Jessica said laughing again

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