Chapter 19: Fushiguro Megumi

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Shiki POV


The sharp sound of steel clashing echoed in the air. The dojo was simple but spacious, with wooden floors worn from years of use. Sunlight filtered in through the high windows, casting long shadows as Maki and I faced off once again.

She lunged at me with her naginata, her movements fast and precise. I sidestepped, effortlessly deflecting her blade with the edge of my own. She didn't get tired of asking me to spar, despite knowing the outcome. Every time, she would lose, and yet, every time, she'd challenge me again.

But today, there was someone else here, watching.

Fushiguro Megumi.

The only first-year who had joined Jujutsu Tech recently.

It had been several weeks since he entered the school. During that time, Gojo had been teaching him to fine-tune his cursed technique, and likely throwing in his usual brand of eccentric training. Megumi had potential, that much was clear. But potential wasn't enough in this world. You had to push beyond your limits, and that's something Gojo would no doubt drill into him.

For now, though, he stood by the sidelines, watching us as Maki launched another attack.

Maki grunted as our weapons clashed again, the impact reverberating through the dojo. She stepped back, rolling her shoulders before giving me a sharp glare. "You don't hold back at all, do you?"

"You asked for it. If you don't want to get hurt, maybe don't challenge me next time."

Maki clicked her tongue, gripping her naginata tighter. "Like that's gonna stop me."

I smirked just slightly before delivering the final blow, knocking her weapon aside and sending her flying back across the mat. She landed with a dull thud, groaning as she sat up.

"Seriously, Shiki," Maki muttered, "You hit like a damn truck."

I lowered my sword, stepping back. "You'll live."

As Maki pushed herself to her feet, dusting off her uniform, it was Fushiguro's turn to step forward. After finishing his lesson with Gojo, he'd often join us for physical training. It was no surprise — after all, Maki and I were the strongest cursed object users in the school. Training with us was as much a learning experience for him as it was for us.

Fushiguro stood before me, his wooden sword gripped tightly in both hands, eyes focused. His stance was solid, though I could tell he was still getting used to the weight of the weapon.

I took a step forward, testing his reflexes with a quick, light strike. He blocked it, but the force pushed him back slightly.

"Not bad," I said, stepping back again. "But don't just defend. Try attacking."

Fushiguro frowned slightly but nodded. He lunged forward, swinging his sword toward me. His movements were deliberate, but I could tell he wasn't fully confident yet. I parried easily, the wooden swords cracking together with a sharp pang.

"Too predictable," I said calmly, deflecting another of his strikes. "Try something else."

He adjusted his stance, this time coming at me from a lower angle. Better, but still not enough. I sidestepped and tapped his wrist with the flat of my sword, making him loosen his grip.

"You leave too many openings."

."Don't go easy on him, Shiki. He's gotta learn the hard way." From the sidelines, Maki grinned, still rubbing her shoulder from our earlier spar

Fushiguro shot her a brief glare before refocusing. I took the opportunity to press forward, delivering a quick series of strikes. He managed to block most of them, but the last one slipped through, knocking the sword from his hands. It clattered to the ground, and he froze, staring at the weapon for a moment.

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