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Folk's aura became dark and yoko could feel that he's becoming aggressive the way he looked at her.

"Because I don't want you to marry that woman!" he shouted again

He's doing it on purpose, he wanted yoko to feel weak so he could hold her

"Why?" yoko ask calmly

"Because, I'm in love with you" He confessed

"What? Are you crazy?" yoko laughs

"Why are you laughing? Do you think I'm not serious?"

"Folk. Are you forgetting that I'm your sister?" yoko ask

"You're not my biological sister Yoko"

"What?" yoko move back

"I was adopted by your father from the orphanage" he confessed

"N-no. That's not true" yoko said. She was gripping her chest

"Yoko, can't you see that I'm in love with you? I loved you since we were kids" he said and move forward

"Stop right there!" yoko warned him and move back

"Please, just give a chance to prove myself " he was stepping forward

"Folk. Don't do this please" yoko was having a hard time breathing

Folk grab her arms and pushed her on the bed, yoko tried to push him away but he was stronger

"You're mine Yoko, only mine" he said and tried kissing her but yoko pressed her emergency bracelet and pushed him with all her might

Kirk ran upstairs like a flash, but it turns out that he was just waiting for Yoko's signal.

He kicked the door open and pulled folk away from his Boss.

Yoko was crying hard hugging her knees

"You motherfucker!! I was right all along! You maniac!" Kirk let his manly side to take over and punch the guy

The maids immediately put the cannula on Yoko's nose, and the young master breathe properly

"P-please call my fiance" she said struggling to talk

The maid nodded and pick up Yoko's phone on the table and call fey

"Ma'am. Code black" The words that came out from the maids mouth made fey to turn her car around and drove fast back to the villa
Fey instructed Yoko's maids to call her when she's in danger and say the code before she left.

Fey was driving slowly when she left Yoko's house, she was having second thoughts when she left
And now that the maid called her, she punched her steering wheel

"Shit shit shit!" she shouted

Kirk punch him until he lost consciousness, he tied his hands and feet and call the elders

"I got him boss" he told Mr Lertprasert

"We're on our way" He said. The elders was playing golf when Kirk called him

"Yoko!! Yoko!" Fey shouted when she arrives

"Upstairs ma'am. Quickly!" the maid call her from the stairs

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