16. Deets!

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I woke up the next morning to find her asleep by my side. Her hand rested on my chest and her head on my arm.

She looked cute. Serene as an angel.

Her slightly plump lips were swollen more than usual, as they do every morning until she washes her face and brushes her teeth. Her hair were braided back but some of the baby hair fell on her face.

Her left ear was on top as she slept facing me. It had a little mole on it that was teasing me.

It was our last day on the trip. We had our flight for this afternoon. We would leave this country and go back to our lives until we can squeeze some free time from our schedules.

My free hand tugged her hair back behind her ear as she moved. It had tickled her a bit.

I smiled and slipped from beside her to get on top. I licked the pinna of her ear before putting my tongue in. She squirmed under me.

"Good morning Preet." I whispered in hoarse morning voice as her hands flew to clasp behind my neck.

"Good morning Shubh." She said slowly opening her eyes. "I like when you are the first person I get to see every morning."

"I like when you are the last person I see before going to bed." I said as I bend to kiss her. She raised her neck to meet me halfway. Her lips met grasping at the other and our tongues danced in the pace of a slow Bali morning sunrise.

My hand slipped beneath the fabric of her tank top and my grip on her squishy breasts made her moan in my mouth.

The need raged in me and the feeling of what's to come only made it stronger. I was not ready for the vacation to end.

There so many things we didn't do. The sex on the bed on the roof and...

My list was left incomplete and so was my kiss as my phone announced a call.

"Ummm.." she let her lips get away. I took off my t-shirt.

"Just ignore it." I said, and bend down to kiss her again. But the ringtone wouldn't stop. My hand reached for it to put it on silent as I saw the contact.
"Why is your brother calling me?"

Blood went to my brain, at thus bizzare turn-off. She sat up and looked at me shocked. "Put it on speaker." She said as the call was disconnected.

I decided this was not the time to call back.

I was about to put it away and get back to the kissing when it rang again. I picked it up this time and put it on speaker.

"YOU'RE WITH MY SISTER?" Rudra shouted.

"I... Wait.. What?" I said with my intention of denying. We could say we accidentally met here. I was on a tour and she had already said that there was a conference if he found something. Like what?

Our Snapchat location? No, I turned it off.

So, how did he know for sure we were both in Bali?

I unsaddled Ajooni's legs and sat by her side.

"Shubh, there's pictures of you two all over the internet and mom is furious." He said, and before I could stop it Ajooni had already uttered her first word.

"Mom knows it?" She spoke in a clear loud voice.

"Ajooni? It's like 5:30 am there ? Why are you togeth... Oh my God. It's more serious than I thought." His voice was barely a whisper when this sentence ended.

"Look Rudra, I want to marry her. I love her and..." I was saying when he interrupted.

"Does Ajooni love you?" His words were a blow to the gut. She would never agree. This would just be gone.

This week is all I get to think of, for all my life. This was my dream come true. 

I was scared to look up and meet her eyes.

"Ajooni?" He repeated.

"Yes. I love him." She said, as my eyes finally met hers. "I love him so much."

I would have kissed her in that moment if not for the impending doom on us. And an ongoing phone call from her brother. 

I was so happy that my heart could burst and streaks of light would just flow out of it like in a wierd animated movie, Ajooni made us watch when we were kids.

"Okay, I'll talk to mom and tell you the next course of action." He said as Ajooni seemed to have trouble getting the words out of her mouth.

"Thank you, Rudra." I said, as the call disconnected and she hugged me tightly.

"I love you too. I love you to the moon and back." I said, with tears burning my eyes. She'll be mine. Forever.

The blood was starting to travel south due to the friction in the hug when my phone rang again.

Ahhh!!! To hell with it.

I looked at it and that was my PR team head calling. "I need to take this." I said, and picked up my phone getting out of bed.

"Hey, Saurav. Look, I know the pictures are bad publicity but I did not intend for it to happen. So, if you could excuse me. I have some personal business to de..."

"No publicity is bad publicity, Mr. Gill. You are now domesticated."

"Excuse me?" I asked, genuinely not understanding what seemed like English. What would my PR team have to do with my 'domestication' and how is that good publicity?

"You and your lady have been offered 2 endorsements already from major brands. One is a kitchen appliance company, and then there's the Bedsheet and blankets company. Gone are your days of soft drinks, men's face wash and deodorants. I mean we have those too but these as well."

"Are you kidding me?" I was genuinely pissed. I never shouted on my employees. But this was just not the time. "Saurav, does she look like a model to you? She's a doctor. She's not doing any brand endorsements and next time do not call me on a vacation unless it's a bad news that can't wait." I said and disconnected my phone throwing it on the couch in the living room.

"I don't look like a model?" Her voice seemed calm coming from right behind me but I could sense the 'I love you's' we just exchanged being in grave danger right about now.

I knew that's not what I meant deep down in a heart that loved and worshipped her but... that really does not sound good from a third person's point of view.

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