Rabbit Hole

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His eyes flickered trying to focus. He knew instantly he needed to be calm feeling the bag placed 

on his head. The burlap sack felt rough against his skin. Hesitation proceeded him as he could 

smell the dampness and dirt that cling in the air. His clothes still wet caked in mud from the 

damp cave floor. "Not much time has passed" he thought to himself. "Move" a one word 

command came at a close distance. "I know you are awake", the voice continued. "If you sit up I 

will dig it out", the mans voice said again.

He could feel the truck bed under him. The grooves irritated him more. His frustration grew at 

the commands. His disappointment in himself left him furious. Slowing his breathing he waited 

for the sound of the voice and the shuffling of feet. This gave him an indication of where the man 


Time slowed for him as he focused in on the sounds around him blocking out his pain. The foot 

steps were from boots of one man. Shuffling from outside the truck bed indicates there are at 

least two other men. The bed of the truck did not move as the stranger stepped up onto it. The 

short distance indicated it was not long. Based on the time it took the one approaching him.

"One Mississippi, two Mississippi...." he swung his large frame knocking the man to the bed. The 

stranger struggled to stay on the truck. He was now standing despite the bag on his head.

"He can't be trusted" one voice shouted. "It's fine," came the one closest to him. "Would you be 

cooperative and trust us?" Asked the other. The man pushed himself up to a sitting position. 

"You knocked the wind out of me" he said. "Let me introduce myself, my name is Bear"

He said nothing to the man introducing himself. "Why won't he speak?" questioned another 

voice. "Maybe he is deaf?" said the other. He recognized that voice from the cave. That was the 

dick that said "Hey there big fella". "We are not the ones that were hunting you." the man who 

referred to himself as Bear continued. "We were hunting the ones that were hunting you" he 

finished with a deep meaningful tone.

His anger grew knowing the position of the one who shot him. He thought of different ways to 

kill him and should it be a slow death?

"We saved you in a sense....a smug waste of words flowed from the dick who shot him. Bear 

reiterated "We were not hunting you." His stomach churn because he knew he was lying to this 


"Then why shoot me?" he spoke. "The giant can speak" that voice again from the dick. "Just 

hold still and I will remove the bag" Bear said. "We only do this so you are some what 

disoriented and won't see the way to our bunker." "Bear why tell this motherfucker that shit?" 

The Dick questioned.

"We want to trust you but you are just a bit dangerous, so we have to protect our own". Bear 

continued as he moved closer.

"You have no reason to trust us," Bear said as he quickly snatched the bag off his head. He 

absorbed his words while scanning the surroundings. A lightly wooded area. One small building 

standing in between a few trees. The road was dirt covered which led to the abandoned farm. A 

burnt out farm house and old barn set off in the distance. The old house still smelled of burnt 


Taking notes of every detail on all their faces. He knew which one he would kill first. He smiled. 

"Why are you smiling?" Questioned the dick standing at the end of the truck bed. He didn't 

respond. "Look I get it, you have zero reason to trust any of us especially Dick down there!" "But 

we are not the enemy, we are the resistance." Bear finished with a serious but legitimate look on 

his face.

"Why are you still talking?" questioned Dick. "I will kill you my damn self," shouted Bear. With 

extreme seriousness he walked to the edge of the truck bed and jumped off. This way he said as 

he turned back looking at the 6'4 plus man weighing the truck bed down.

The wind picked up, carrying the smell of burned wood across the open field. The wind caught 

in the trees, turning the leaves up. "Looks like rain," Bear said. "Jump down and we can go 

inside, and talk." He continued.

He looked around, confused. With a thud he jumped over the side of the truck bed. The bed of 

the truck jumped with glee as the weight was lifted. "Inside", Bear said with a grin. He shrugged 

it off following him towards a small shed.

The other two men stayed behind climbing back into the truck.

His hands still bond, the bullet pulsated in his shoulder. He hesitantly followed behind Bear. He 

opened the wooden door, the paint chipped. He peered over Bear's shoulder, the condensed 

area black, the smell musty. A click from a string in the center of the ceiling revealed a regular 

shed. Rusted out tools, a shovel, an old lawn mower. He stood at the door dunking down he 

followed Bear in. Barely enough room for either one of them. He figured the old shovel may hold 

up, it will have to do. First, he will have to get his hands free, he thought to himself. Easy 


He plotted immediately how he would do it and the pleasure of killing the other two put a grin 

on his face.

Slowly he loosened the rope that held his hands. It burned his skin leaving open wounds. Just as 

he was pulling the old rope from his hand, Bear knelt down pulling up floorboard revealing a 

trap door. He hesitated and was intrigued. "This way" Bear motioned to the tunnel.

"Why not?"he thought to himself "Let's go down this rabbit hole!" 

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