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The setting of the sun left a little light pouring through the wooded area. The dark shadows 

lurked on the floor of the forest. He pressed his back against the tall tree. Grasping at his side, he 

felt for the bullet lodged just beneath his ribs. The pain pulsed through him. Ricocheting 

throughout his body. The bullet was small but the impact mimicked a painful blast of a 12 gauge 

at point blank range.

He hesitated at the thought of removing the bullet. It had to been done soon before it 

completely embedded. Slowing his breathing he pushed himself down in an effort to conceal his 

size. Using the falling darkness just as it met the rise from the floor. There is only so much his 

large frame will allow.

Time felt like it stood still. The air thick, leaves creepily crawled as it momentarily paused. He 

felt dazed, the whirling began as he fought to maintain consciousness. Grabbing his side he 

groaned in agony. Nausea washed over his body, running his fingers against the wound. The 

pain was excruciating.

Moisture on his side as he felt blood pulsing from the opening. Nothing but a small metal piece 

protruding from his skin. Footsteps sounded in the distant. They were delicately placed in every 

effort to conceal them. There had to be at least four men on his trail.

Blinking back the pain he plotted his next move. First, this bullet has to come out before he got 

up from the concealment of the tree. It clicked as it began to turn and pushed further into his 

side. Time was ticking against him. Holding his breath, he dug his nails into the sides of the 

bullet. Pushing into the skin, blood dripped down his side more rapidly that the beads of sweat 

at his forehead.

It's prongs were barely in, yet it was pushing further as he was digging in to get a grip on it. It's 

clicks as it began to rotate slowly and pushing further into his side. The pain vibrated through his 

entire body. No gaping hole from the shot just one small bullet that would bury itself in you. 

Once in, it will start beeping as it activates the tracking. Previous encounters did not make this 

one easier and it never prepares you for the pain.

In one quick motion he pulled it out. Leaving a small hole. Blood pooling at the surface. He 

threw it as far as he could in-between some trees. As far away from him as he could manage. It 

would be at least 30 minutes before he could recover fully.

In the meantime he needed to focus his mind to calm himself as he listened for the footsteps. 

They had split up. Half went after the direction of the bullet while the others moved in his 

direction. Moving was not the best option. However, getting caught was worse.

The haphazard plan was to move, just run or wait for them to approach. Slowing his breathing 

again, he anticipated their next moves. He steadied himself as he replayed his mother's 

words....With no hesitation he walked in a calculated manner. He watched as a figure walked closer to him.

Despite his size he was invisible. All the technology in the world could not see through the 

darkness of that forest. In one motion he grabbed the figure. There was no struggle as the size 

difference was met with overwhelming strength. In the uninterrupted silence he broke the 

figures neck.

The second man saw movement out of his peripheral turning cautiously. Darkness cloaked the 

forest. The shadow moved again with no noise. The camouflaged man tried to focus. Just as he 

flipped the switch on his jacket a jagged stick plunged into his jugular. A hushed gurgling as he 

lowered the man's body to the ground. More footsteps heading in his direction. There was more 


A delicate hum levitated just below the canopy of the trees. He moved steadily through the 

foliage across the forest floor blanketed in moss and rotting tree limbs. His large frame did him 

no justice at times but he was light on his feet. Their footsteps grew distant as he moved as 

rapidly as he could manage. The hum buzzed closer to his head, it was drones. A multitude of 


He ran for his life, like he always had. His agility through the darkness was as if he had the forest 

memorized. Weaving in and out of the trees he went stumbling down a small ravine. The sounds 

of his own movement through the water would quickly give him away. The footsteps in a 

silenced march proceeded closer.

Along the creek he found a small cave like shelter. He paused unsure on whether to hide or 

continue running. That moment cost time which he did not have. The footsteps catching up. 

"Look down there", a voice softly commanded.

He pushed through the water up against the wall, the drones humming. His heart raced. "I will 

not go willing", he thought as he sought shelter in the cave. The opening was flooded with water. 

He continued in as far as he could. This was either a good idea or the end.

He grinned to himself...Remembering his mother's words again....he prepared for the worst. He 

figured he put enough of a gap that would leave them searching.

The cave went back further than it appeared from outside. He grabbed a stone. "This way" a 

voice reverberated against the walls. Guns clicked, it was complete darkness as far as one could 

see. The only issue he came to was the ceiling getting closer to him making it harder for him to 

walk. He held his breath readying for another fight.

A quick breeze whipped in...a light flashed momentarily. Then another, only to reveal two men 

with guns drawn. "Hey big fella!" One said with a smug tone. "You can either come willingly or 

get the tranq!", the other rhetorically stated...the smirk on his face answered their command. 

With that before any one moved a clap from the gun hit him in the shoulder. "That's not enough"

 shouted one to the other. Just then a whistle calling a drone that let out a smoke then a 

thunderous noise only he seemed to hear. He dropped hard to the cave floor. Mud and rock 

smothering him.

"How did I not hear them" was his last thoughts before blackness took him. 

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