Ch. 1 - Unreal

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That morning felt unreal.

It was a normal morning, the sun beaming on my bed. Except I didn't hear my dad's coffee machine or the television blasting. It was pin-drop silence, and no cars were rushing outside.

"Mom?" I called. No answer. I rushed down the stairs to see nobody. No stubby little Ryan running around the house, no Dad and mom discussing the economy. Even our cat wasn't trotting around.

Mom's black truck was still in the driveway, and Dad's was, too. All the furniture was still there, but no humans.

Birds were still in the trees, but nothing else. The usually bustling street we lived by was creepily silent, and the neighbour's car was still there.

So I knocked. The house was empty. Dead silent.

Was I alone?

I wasn't sure. I would check my computer. or the news.    

the internet was out, and I couldn't charge it either; there was no power. 

might as well save up food. 

I wrapped all meat and cheese tightly in saran wrap, using Dad's dehydrator on the fruits.  

also should go to the store. I hopped onto my bike and rode to the nearest grocery store, taking every non-perishable food item they had. 

should I pay? There's nobody there... nah.

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