Chapter One: The Great Return

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"Katie I'll skin you." I hissed, motioning for her to get up and grab our luggage from the steel racks above the pair of red leathery bench seats. The trains compartment was only big enough for six people. The beige wallpaper, singular large square window, and translucent glass doors gave it a vintage glow.

"You're no fun at all, you know.'' A blond haired girl snapped back at me, occupying the bench opposite of mine. She sat right in the middle, her feet fiddling against mine. She stood up in one smooth motion, her wizard robes swirling around her legs. Her long black eyelashes were covered in a thin layer of mascara that almost looked like that could touch her light brown eyebrows and her smoky eyeshadow taunted me. She pursed her plump lips, as if baiting me into a fight.

"Shut up." I squeaked, suddenly growing Unconfident. Her long curly hair cascaded past her shoulders and swayed at her thin waist as she swiftly turned around, reaching up into the train compartments for our suitcases. God, she was so gorgeous. When she turned back around, her dark blue eyes glimmered with visible hints of disgust.

She handed me my trusty, bulky orange duffel bag our hands lingering over each others for a moment. Her black robes suddenly twisted against my ankles and she leaned over me for a slender second. I averted my eyes from her piercing stare and focused my attention on her bright green striped tie.

"If you didn't want to stick out you shouldn't have brought that god awful bag." A grin grew on her face when she said it. The particular grin of hers that she wears when she's in a deviant mood. She looked as if she could read my thoughts at the moment, and I felt my cheeks blossoming into a hot pink.

"Well, it seems you would like to be my arch nemesis for another year. Don't get me wrong, an arch nemesis does sound great, but an enemy you can make out with in private sounds better..." I whispered, arching my eyebrows so she knows I'm teasing her.

"You sound slightly unethical when you talk to me that way." She bites her lip trying to suppress a rising smile.

The train lurched into a complete stop, sending Kate right into me. She fell in my lap and her black suitcase was thrown to the grey velvet flooring. She propped herself up, her handing resting on the top of my bench seat. Her blond hair tickled my neck as she brushed her red lips over mine

"FIRST YEARS FOLLOW ME PLEASE," A booming, gruff voice shouted from outside the window. I peered outside of the window, looking past Katie at the enormous castle that sprouted out from dark hills. The moon shone down onto the rippling lake in front of the castle, displaying an image of Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry.

"Time to go." I murmured into her neck pressing my face into her pale, fleshy shoulder.

Katie practically threw herself at the sliding door and without another word, slid the door open. The speed of which she did it made her suitcase fly behind her.

I stood up, straitening my dark blue tie and smooth my black robes. Gathering up my duffel bag, I felt for my thin wooden wand which was in my pocket. I strayed out of the compartment and followed the lean passage down to an open door. It was the slightest bit chilly out. Jumping out onto the platform below, I heard someone shouting my name. I gave my bag to a nearby house elf with a quick thanks and turned around.

"EVA!" I shouted, hugging the petite brunette.

"AUDREY!" She screamed, shoving her face into my chest.

"Hurry up we have to go meet Rowen and Josiah in the dinning hall!" Eva yelled, and snatching my hand. She sprinted towards the large entrance of the castle, dragging me with her.

Squirming through the crowds of students, we quickly step onto the pathway and sprinted once again. Our robes caught the wind and gage off the illusion of thick black flames sprouting from our backs. Eva nearly smiled her eyes closed and I gave off a subtle giggle as the soles of our shoes clacked against the marble floor. We reached the front halls. Students in uniform were swarming the hallways already.

"Rowen won't shut up about Katie Wendall's, I swear. She's a total asshat and I don't know why he likes her! I'm totally riding the train with you next time. I waited for you at least...wait... Where were you anyway?" Eva asked as we slowed down into a walk.

"I couldn't find you guys so I had to go with someone else. Katie might actually fall for poor Rowen this year, you never know." I said, ruffling her thick, straight brown hair. Eva was always one for gossip.

"She's already got a boyfriend." She implores while smiling up at me.

"There he is right now... Speak of the devil." I mumbled, nodding towards the Slytherin table as we came into the dining hall. A freakishly tall, thin, and particularly loud boy with short cropped black hair leaned over and kissed a girl with long blonde hair. She was so freaking blond.

"Can't they get a room?!" Eva exclaims and lets go of my hand.

"That's what I would do..." I said under my breath as I glanced away from Katie and towards the Ravenclaw table. We sat in two empty slots on the bench across from two boys. The one on the left had a serious case of bed-head. His dirty blond hair was shooting out from every direction and curling over his forehead and around his ears. His eyes were a deep brown that sparkled when we sat down. His jaw line had gotten more defined over the summer and it had carved into a more sharper line, cutting away the round shape of a boy's face. His thin pink lips added a flourish of colour to his rosy cheeks. His tan skin lay without blemishes except for the thin, jagged white scar from his temple to the base of his big eyes. He wasn't noticeably muscular, in the sense that he didn't have the body type of a type either. He towered over the table, leaning forward towards Eva like she had gossip for him. This was Rowen.

The boy to the right was a different story. His black skin and military haircut made it seem like his teeth were absolutely white. His teeth were straight and long, which made his smile one-hundred percent blinding. His sharp cheek bones led to his big, beautiful, black orbs that he called his eyes. The soft tuffs of curly black hair had started growing longer this year. He had a habit of running his tongue over his bottom lip, or biting it when he smiled. His muscles indented a slight shape under his uniform. His skin was looked as smooth as a calm lake, like you could run your hand over it and it would be glossy. His eyebrows over his eyes made two neat shapes outlining his eyes to make them pop out more subtle. This was Josiah.

"My two favourite girls," Josiah smiled, biting his lip but still showing his perfect pearly whites.

"Hey," I replied and gave them both a friendly smile.

"I missed you guys!" Rowen exclaimed. He leaned in across the table some more. "You guys are still single right? I don't want to be the only single one... again like last year..."

That got a laugh out of all of us.

"Eva and I are still single." I assured him. Eva wasn't looking for a relationship. Ever.

"Ditto," Josiah sighed.

"Come on, you guys got hot over the summer! What a bunch of hunks right Audrey?" Eva looked over at me, giggling.

"Totally," I laughed as Josiah and Rowen stuck out their tongues.

"You guys ready for another year here?" I asked and folded my hands in my lap.

"Ready for the 'Great Return' anyway." Rowen scoffed, and with that, the headmaster started his 'beginning of the year' speech.

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