Chapter Two

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Picture of Sky above^^^


My rock, the girl who was invincible in my eyes, she fell, I can't help her but I can do my best. I grabbed her when she fell to her knees at the men's feet. Pulling her to her chair and hugging her tightly I watched one tear fall, that single tear breaking me. I'd never seen Andi cry.

He looked at me with his blue eyes, reminding me so much of my best friend's own, and nodded. I kept hugging her and looked at them, I whispered, "We need the help."

"My name is Brody, and that's Shawn." Said the man with green eyes, he has watching me hesitantly. Like this all might be an act and he had to watch us.

"I'm Sky and she's Andi." I wasn't sure why, but in was still whispering. Scared to make much noise in this huge, intimidating place.

Shawn looked at me and glanced down at the bracelet I was fidgeting with. He walked over suddenly upset, his riding boots sharp on the wood floors, and grabbed my wrist. Looking down at the thing I hated most he glanced at me, then Brody. "She has epilepsy." Then he stalked away still mad for unknown reasons.

"I do not! I have seizures, there's a difference! Can you not read?" Shocked by my outburst I lowered my voice so they had to lean forward just to hear me "When i was a kid there was an accident and loud noises give me seizures."

I looked down, ashamed of my demons. The things my gram told me lived in my head now, how they floated through me, corrupting, destroying, making me unworthy of everything and anything. Food, clothes, freedom, they were taken away. Andi told me it was all lies, and I pretend to believe her. But when it's told to you day after day for years and years and years, it sticks.

"Will you need protection from this "accident"?" Shawn seemed to have taken over the conversation by now and I was confused as to why he was so mad.

"I might, but Andi doesn't know..." I glanced at Andi now not opening her eyes on the coach where I was guessing Brody had moved her earlier.

"Then tell us, now"





Brody walked over and quietly sad, "Shut up." Silencing Shawn and I from acting so childlike. We all glanced at Andi, and Brody sighed. "I'll get someone to move her." He picked up the phone, spoke in a hushed tone, and seconds later a man walked in and picked up Andi.

"Explain, or neither of you get protection, technically we only have to protect you, as a minor. But we will be on both of you. If you tell us, of course."

"Ok," i said under my breath, "my mom and dad were at my soccer game. We'd won, and it was the last and biggest game of the season. So we went out to celebrate, I was so happy when we went out but we came out of the restaurant and there were these men. They grabbed my mom and dad and pulled us into an ally, they.." starting to cry it got harder to talk, "they raped her and made us watch, then they raped m-me and shot my mom and dad. When they did I fell and hit my head. The trauma caused me to have seizures." I said all of this in a completely medical tone, blocking out the trauma inflicted that day as much as I could.

"Fuck!" Shawn exclaimed. Crashing his hand on the desk.

Brody looked at me, with one of those pitying looks that I hated so much, and said "You and Andi can stay in the extra room, I'll show you." We left Shawn and walked to the third door on the left. Opening it, i gasped. There was a living area with a fireplace, coaches, and a flat screen television past that, there was two bedrooms. Both with their own bathrooms and walk in closets. I of course chose the room with more windows. And left Brody to find Andi.

He walked in said nothing, and walked back out.

I got up and glanced around, walking into the closet all I saw were men's shirts and basketball shorts. But beggars can't be choosers. So grabbing a black t-shirt and red basketball shorts with a black sweatshirt I skipped to the bathroom trying to raise my mood. I left Andi to sleep, she needs it. She works two jobs but I am only allowed to work one since I'm under age and still have to go to school.

I hopped in the shower and washed my whole body trying to wipe away the words and actions that haunted me constantly. Always circling in my mind. Killing me slowly. My grandmothers words repeated,

Whore. You wanted those men to hurt you.

Demon, His bloods on your hands.






They echoed over and over. Destroying me. Taking over my head.

Unable to take it anymore I got out of the shower and brushed my blond hair that I'd cut into a tight bob years ago. I looked at my dark blue eyes and the black specks in them.

Leaning in and whispering to myself the words I had heard so many times,  "You worthless girl, why would you think you could ever be worth anything to anyone?" A door slammed somewhere in the house shaking the floor under my feet. Mixing the noise with the stress of situation and,

My hands began shaking, my head moved of its on accord side to side while I collapsed. My head banged onto the cold black tiled floor.

I blacked out.


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