Chapter Nine

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I woke up in the same room as I had for the past few days, but something was different this time. My back ached and my head felt like it was on fire.

Something was around my waist and holding me to a very warm wall behind me. Not opening my eyes I turned over and snuggled into the wall.

Wait. My eyes popped open. Walls don't move. Or laugh?

Looking forward I saw a neck.


Looking farther up I realised it was Shawn. A very innocent looking, sleepy, messed up hair, Shawn.

I screamed, loudly.

He shot up, getting into a fighting position, fists in front of his face, body in front of me. When he scanned the room and, I'm guessing, saw no deadly threat. He glared at me "what was that for?" Laying back down on MY bed he put MY pillow over his eyes.

"One," I said grabbing the pillow from him, "MINE, and two get out of my room."

"Love, you were not saying that last night." And then I realised all he was  wearing was boxers.

Looking down, eyes wide, I took in my dress still intact and the leather jacket I had somehow managed to wind up hugging my self with. "We didn't.... do anything, right?" I whispered. "Cause thats illegal." My voice raising as I finished the sentence.

Laying on my bed, completely calm Shawn responded, "No we didn't do anything I wouldn't do that to you after what you went through," what was he talking about. What did I go through? All I remember was leaving to go clubbing and then I woke up here. "And also it's not illegal," his voice rose in pitch to try to sound like me, "the age of consent here in our great state of Georgia is sixteen."  I stared at him wondering why he knew that. "I looked it up the second I heard you weren't eighteen love." He clarified, still completely calm.

"Well!" I clapped, "now that we've covered that, what exactly happened yesterday?" He just stared blue eyes shining with confusion, cocking his head to the side. Getting up he pulled me from the room, running a hand through his brown hair. As we walked I stopped focusing on where we were going and more on his biceps, and how those had held me together as I broke last night. Why was I breaking last night!? I was starting to freak out. Occasionally I will have memories gaps with my seizures but never a whole night. I once forgot where my water bottle was, and occasionally where I was. That was all though.

When I focused again I saw we were in Andi's room.

"She doesn't remember anything!" Shawn said, mad.

"Sky, honey. Why don't you go get some food from the kitchen?" Andi said. Making me glare at her.

"I'm not five! I can handle it Andi!" I said annoyed they thought they had to baby me.

"Look at your back Sky, take off the damn jacket and look at you back." Her words were strong but her voice was weak, like she was scared. I slowly took off what I was now guessing was Shawns jacket and walked into her bathroom. Turning around I gasped. Holding one hand to my mouth I just stared.

The whole back of my dress was ripped and so was the skin on my shoulder blades and shoulders themselves. Blood was on some parts but they rest was just scratched. It looked a lot worse than it felt.

"How did this happen..." I whispered.

"Do you really want to remember?" She asked.

"No." I said and walked out of the room, shaking off Shawn when he tried to grab my arm and trying to hold back my tears. 


"You can't just not tell her! She has a right to know!!" Shawn was furious. And I understood why, he finally got her to confirm she liked him last night, they had kissed. I only knew because I went to check on her and almost passed out.

"I get your upset but its better if she doesn't know, they tried to rape her. They tried and in the process they ripped open her back on the gravel in an ally!" I took a break, looking him directly in the eye, "some things are better left forgotten." I said, knowing I was right.


I walked down the hall into the kitchen, spotting Sky I picked up my pace. "Sky! Wait!" I said loudly, not screaming though. I didn't want her to have a seizure, not again.

"What Andi, do you finally have a conversation I can listen to?" she said, still mad about how I had pushed her out of the conversation. I just wanted to protect her and I still do. it was what I did.

"I am sorry, I just don't want you to be hurt. you know that."

she walked over to me, hugging me. "Yeah, I know." she murmured in my ear.


uh oh..... was Andi right to hide all that from Sky? I just don't know............. (smirks)

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