Part 5

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"I hate waking up in the forest

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"I hate waking up in the forest. It still freaks me out," Meera muttered and spun her cup around in her hands.

"It's alright to be freaked, but keep reminding yourself, you're not alone in the woods. We've got the dryads and all the other wolves," I tried to say as reassuringly as possible. I still didn't really feel a hundred percent secure in the role as... A therapist, more or less. To a bunch of scared wolves. Who had come here because of me. It felt weird anyone would come to a town because of how I had made it smell.

"The dryads are alright. But there's this one that keeps wanting to give me knitted clothing." Samuel was newer than Meera. Meera had come at the beginning of the summer and Samuel had shown up maybe a month after that. Tasha had come almost right after our battle with the dryad. So, she was the 'oldest'.

Tasha had been turned too early like me. She had been twenty when she had been turned. She was twenty-two now, just like me.

Samuel had been turned last year, at the right time. He was twenty-five.

Meera had been turned when she was twenty-three. Five months ago. Everything was new and scary to her still, and I pitied her. Lord almighty, I pitied her. Her turning had been traumatic too, I could tell, because she still refused to even talk about it slightly. She had large scars on her arms, which was all she had showed us. It was hard getting her to open up. It was so very relatable.

"They're happy the wolves are back in the woods. And they wanna give us presents. Mags says it's rude to not accept them, so if they do wanna give you something, just take it. Still a lot better than what another dryad tried giving me." My ribs were still aching just with the thought of it.

"What if something like that happens again?" Samuel asked.

"Well," I said and leaned back in my favourite chair. Dave announced his presence by his claws click-clacking against the wooden floor. He sniffed at all the wolves, got pats on his head, and came to me, sitting right under my hand, that hung from the armrest. I smiled down at Dave, letting my fingers run over the whitened hairs on his head. He was getting old. "I don't think something like that will happen again, to be honest. One dryad is one dryad. One bad seed. We can't judge an entire species on one acting in bad faith."

"I meant more like... What if another monster shows up and decides this town is just right for it to ruin?" Samuel said, rolling his eyes a little.

"This isn't a tv-series. There's not gonna be a new monster per episode." I shrugged and took a sip of my coffee.

Before anyone else could say something, the door opened and Abel stepped into the small hall, kicking his shoes off and coming into the living room.

"Well, hello there," he said, sliding the aviators up his forehead. "Hey babe," he murmured then and bent down, kissing me.

"Hi," I said with a small voice. There was something about trying to be all 'big, good wolf leader' and then my boyfriend coming home and making everything entirely domestic. Didn't matter that he was a vampire and could turn into this big bat-looking creature with claws and all. But it was hard to be all serious, when he came prancing in and called me 'babe' and kissed me and I was blushing like I had never been kissed before.

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