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Summary: Danny finally manages to get a chance to talk to Soundwave and discovers why Megatron hasn't discovered him yet. Maybe he also makes a friend along the way.


Danny had been on the Nemesis for over a week at this point, and for some reason, Megatron hadn't come kicking down Starscream's door in order to confiscate his new pet and blast Danny to smithereens or throw him out the airlock. From what he had heard about Megatron from Starscream's dramatic retellings he seemed to have more of a dislike towards humans than Starscream did.

Though to be fair, Starscream still greatly disliked humans, he was just stuck with one who was now not going to leave him alone and was starting to reluctantly enjoy his company because Danny is the only one who tolerated his monologuing.

But so far, the only Decepticons aware of Danny's presence were Starscream, Knockout, and Breakdown. The two later found Danny inside Starscream's crushed subspace after pulling them away from the cave Danny had phased them out of. Once a more lucid Starscream had threatened them enough about what would happen if they told Megatron, even Danny was scared for them.

Danny didn't know if Starscream was more worried about Danny getting killed if Megatron found out or if Starscream was worried about what Megaton would do to him if he found out that his second-in-command adopted a human pet. Probably a mix of both.

So far, from what Starscream had relayed to him in the last couple of months, Megatron seemed like the kind of mech to let Starscream keep Danny until he messed up and then would promptly squeeze the new pet until he exploded just to prove that he had power over Starscream. And that thought was enough of a reason for Danny to try and stay in hiding. Not that he was worried that Megatron would kill him — Danny didn't think anyone on this ship could — but he didn't want Starscream to get hurt in the process and Danny to be a means to achieve that hurt.

But still, Danny was confused. And he could tell that Starscream was as well. The last few days, he had seen the seeker pacing incessantly around his room and talking to himself about how something seemed off. Starscream had warned Danny not to leave his room, which Danny didn't listen to. But apparently, the bedrooms (berth-rooms? Personal quarters?) were the only places on the Nemesis without security cameras.

But with all of those cameras, there definitely had to be some way that Megatron knew about him, that is unless someone was messing with the footage. After some light questioning of Starscream about how the security worked and who had access, he discovered that a mech by the name Soundwave had control of everything on the ship. He was apparently constantly watching and recording everything that happened and was the third in command on the Nemesis after Starscream himself. And if anything was happening to the footage Danny was in, it was 'cause of that guy.

Danny decided to take this questioning into his own hands. A few days later, while Starscream was out, Danny turned invisible and slipped through the door, weaving in and out through the hallways until he found a big enough door that he could safely assume was the bridge.

There, standing at the main control panel, surrounded by monitors, was a tall purple mech who looked like he was pierced together by several thin pieces of metal. Even his arms seemed as thin as paper compared to the rest of these guys.

The purple origami man was rapidly typing on the keys with fingers even longer than Starscream's (which Danny didn't even think was possible). As Danny floated closer to his side he saw the black screen covering his faceplate, removing any expression from the table. He remembered Screamy talking about that "faceless freak" before, and how unnerving it was to be around him.

Well, now was as good a time as ever to make an introduction. "Heyyy, just the mech I wanted to talk to," Danny said as he turned visible and walked out of the shadows. The mech simply turned its helm towards him and tilted his visor to the side. Screamy was right; that was a little unnerving. He could see his reflection looking back at him in the black glass.

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