12. Gone

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The door slammed so harshly that the hinges vibrated threateningly. A frustrated grunt, followed by the sound of a vase shattering to the ground were more than loud enough to break the silence of the house.
Emir pulled his hair in frustration as he slumped down the floor. It has been more than four hours since he walked into that bakery.


"Where is Eda?", was the first thing he asked, though he could very well since the impending answer.
It was Leyla who answered him, "s-she le-left hours ago... But she is not b-back yet", she hiccuped with tears as she managed to let her words out.
Emir was on the verge of losing his mind now. He needs details. He turned to Mr. Erol and held his shoulders, stopping him from moving any further. "Where did she go?"
Mr. Erol looked at him like he owes this man no answer. But Emir's eyes were dark and intense and he clearly doesn't look like he was playing.
"She left very shortly, right after she came for work this morning. People from the town station came to get her, regarding her complaint for the break-in at her house" Emir's heart was beating out of his chest with each word that came out of Erol's mouth. "I offered to accompany her. But she refused. She said she can handle it. She hasn't been back yet", Mr. Erol cursed under his breath and turned to look at Emir.
"Though that's not the reason we are worked up here. When she didn't return for a long time, I went to the police station to look for her myself. But they said, she never came there or did they send anyone to the bakery to ask for her. They said that they did not know any 'Eda', that made any complaints regarding a break-in", Mr. Erol was breathing heavily with each explanation.
Emir was frozen to his spot, with anger and rage, blinding his senses, to focus clearly on anything that was happening around him.
"When Mrs. Erol called me, asking if Eda had come to see me, that's when I knew what had happened since last night. I-I h-haven't even spoken to her for the last two d-days", Leyla stuttered with her words, "I went to check if she would have gone to her house, but she wasn't there either", Leyla continued to cry, worried for her missing friend.
"Erol and Leyla have been searching all over the town, wherever Eda could have possibly gone and I stayed back in the bakery incase she returned. But...", Mrs. Erol trailed off, clearly unable to imagine what would have happened to Eda.
There was just one more thing Emir needed to know before he left this place, "The people who came to get Eda, were they armed?"
A small nod from Mrs. Erol was all it needed for affirmation, as Emir stormed out of the bakery.
He knew what was happening. In fact, he knew something like this would eventually happen. He was ready for it. But damn, He was not ready for the fear and pain that came along with it. With every passing second, his worry intensified.
If he had any knowledge as to how this would work, Eda would be safe, for now. But would she be unharmed? The thought of seeing a single scar on her soft skin, made his insides crawl with the cravings of seeing blood of the ones who would dare to lay a finger on her.
But the real question, he had no clue about was, 'where?'
Time ticked as he went around the town, searching every nook and corner he could think of. He knew from the very minute of entering the police station, something like this was bound to happen. Cause, he has seen these, countless of times. Have experienced it first hand. Been a part of it, following the very command. Only now, he was on the other side, facing the consequences, trying desperately to fight against it.


The sound of a ringing phone broke the barriers of rage that had been building up inside him for these past few hours. No matter how hard he tried, he failed to find the whereabouts of Eda. There were no clues or crumbs left as to what would have actually happened to her.
The sun had long sunk into the darkness and Eda was just gone.
He slowly dragged himself from the floor, his eyes piercing through the ringing phone, as though he could strangle the person on the other end of the line if he stared at it a little longer.
With his hands, trembling with anger, he picked up the phone and placed it to his ear. Moments passed with silence on both ends. With nothing but Emir's heavy breathing on line, he waited.
Low, sinister and sadistic snickers, welcomed Emir. If he knew any better, he would keep his mouth shut, and that's exactly what he did.
Once the laughter died down, "I thought you were smart", came the mocking comment. Emir remained still. For he knew there was more to come.
Oh how well he knew how this works.
The rage was no less than Emir's.
"How dare you? How dare you disobey me?"
Emir couldn't care less for his rules now. All he needed was just one answer.
"Where is Eda?"
A low chuckle, which soon turned in to something of a cackle, made shivers along his spine. He was not intimidated by this man. NO. He was rather nervous, for Eda.
"Oh... You will see her soon alright.... Drowning in her own blood, begging me to take her pain away.... I will have her down at my feet, at my mercy... Waiting for you.. Until you get down on your knees in front of me, she will suffer. Until you obey my command and slice that pretty neck of hers, she will suffer. Until your hands are drenched in her blood, She. Will. Suffer"
Emir's heart heaved with heaviness, as he found himself difficult to breathe when each syllable hit him.
"Oh.. And then, you will give me that very knife, that I will use, to carve out that heart of yours, that dared to go against me"
Every word was uttered with such a psychotic calmness that it left Emir, speechless and shivering.
"I will see you soon.. Emir Beyhan"
The beep of the line was not enough to pull him out of his dread. The wetness in his cheeks told him he had been crying. Yet he couldn't bring himself over to wipe them away. The terror that was put in his head, left him in a state of panic.
He slid down the floor and held himself in place, to stop the shaking of his body. The thought of Eda, being somewhere alone, screaming for help, tore his being apart.
His head was lowered between his knees, as tears kept rolling down his face.
He let out a heart wrenching scream, and held his heart as he breathed heavily. He needed help. And he needed it now. And there was just one person he could think of, that would help him, despite the situation he was in.
He wiped his tears, as he gripped the phone in his hands and started to dial some numbers. He had some calls to make after all.

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