17. Wolves

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Emir's fingers gently stroked the soft wavy hair strands of Eda, as she laid close to his heart with her hand wrapped loosely around his torso. Emir's mind ranged with the events of last night, from how anxious he felt, to his rage, fear, pain and happiness to finally being content with Eda, finding her being in the comfort of his arms.
There was a lingering smile on his lips, as Emir's eyes swept over Eda's face and landed on her pink pouty lips.
Emir's teeth sucked in his bottom lips as he stared at her beautiful mole at the corner of her lower lips. His mind taking him to places that he desperately fought to avoid.
But he did allow his mind to the feelings he felt when he kissed her just hours ago. He couldn't describe it in mere words. Her lips were soft and sweet, inviting and addictive. Their kiss was gentle, yet passionate. He never knew one could feel all that with just a kiss. The kiss they shared seemed like a seal to a promise they both had yet to make.
Emir's heart filled with warmth with how much Eda had found her comfort in him. She had let him kiss her and hold her until she fell asleep. And it was the content feel of Eda's body flushed against his, that had lulled him to sleep as well.

As much as Emir wanted to stay like this, beside her, small noises from outside the room, made him cautious. He frowned when the noises seemed like they came from the kitchen. He sighed when he realized that it might be from Leyla.
He gently lifted Eda from his chest and put her head on the pillows. Eda stirred a little, but eventually went back to sleep, when Emir placed his pillow, for her to cuddle into.
He pulled the blanket up to her shoulders and tucked her in and crouched down to kiss the corner of her lips, where her tiny mole was.
A soft sigh left Eda's lips at Emir's warm touch. Emir's heart tugged when his eyes scanned over Eda's sleeping form. He felt both content and miserable at the same time. Content that he could finally hold her in his arms and miserable for the bruises and pain that she had to go through.
Turning to look at her peaceful form once again, to make sure she was not in any kind of discomfort, Emir left the room, as quietly as he could.
The small noises that he heard did in fact come from the kitchen. With careful steps, he peeked a glance into the kitchen, to see Leyla, trying her best to make breakfast for the three of them, without causing loud sounds.
Emir smiled with gratefulness. Last night, when Emir carried Eda to Leyla's house in the middle of the night, wounded and hurt, Leyla had stayed by his side to take care of Eda.
Even though they two had not known each other well enough, She did not attack him with questions and accusations. She did not even suspect him for the condition her friend was in.
Instead, she trusted him to stay at her house and help her best friend. She even offered him a pair of clothes, which had belonged to her father.
Does he have anyone as trustworthy and as loyal as Leyla is to her best friend?!
He might have, if his life was any easier, without constantly having to worry about your own back. Being on guard with every passing second of your day and night.
Emir sighed as he pushed his thoughts away when Leyla yelped seeing him standing silently in the doorway.
"Need any help?", he asked as he stepped into the kitchen.
Leyla, caught off guard with his sudden appearance, stuttered to answer him, "N-NO, I got it, thanks"
Emir really wanted to help her for her kindness, but he also did not want to bother her, so he just let out a small 'Ok'
"Is Eda asleep?"
Emir nodded "Yes", and picked up the kettle to fill some water. He paused as he turned to Leyla and asked, "is it ok if I have some coffee?"
"Ya, sure go ahead", Leyla answered and turned around to continue her work. However, after a few seconds, she couldn't stop her gnawing questions that had kept her awake for hours.
She turned back around to see Emir, making a cup of coffee for himself and she bit her lips as curiosity got the best of her. "Emir, what happened to Eda?"
Emir knew this question was coming. In fact, he had been waiting for this question since last night. But, can he tell her the truth? Partially perhaps.
Eda needed to know about the entire truth first. Then, it was up to Eda to decide what to share and what not to.
Emir exhaled and took a sip of coffee before turning around to face Eda's best friend. "I believe she was abducted. I also believe that it might be the same people who broke into her house."
Leyla gasped and covered her mouth as her eyes widened in shock. "W-what? Who--, I mean who w-would do such a thing? H-how... why?" Leyla kept stuttering to find her words.
Emir knew who. And he also knew why.
But before he could answer her anything, there was a knock on the door. Emir's head snapped towards the front door, his mind and body on full alert. Leyla, still in a state of shock after hearing about what had happened to Eda, felt the immediate change in the room, when Emir went all defensive.
He quickly turned to Leyla, "Get inside the room and stay with Eda, and do not come out, until I call"
Leyla knew better than to question right now. She turned off the stove and ran to the bedroom, where Eda was sleeping
Emir glanced at his leather jacket where he had his gun. He made haste steps to grab his gun and put it behind his back and took a deep breath before he approached the door. With caution he pulled the door open, just a little bit to glance outside.
Two men stood, one man leaning on the wall, boredly talking to the other. When they saw Emir, their faces gleamed with thirst for blood. "Just the man we were looking for'', one of them said with a sarcastic smile.
Emir looked unphased even though he could clearly see they were carrying weapons in their pockets. He looked further away from these two men and noticed that there was a car waiting with another two men surveying around the house.
Emir stepped outside the house and closed the door behind him, "What do you want?"
One of the men chuckled, "Oh, Come on man. Don't act like you don't know what's happening", he moved closer to Emir with a more serious face, "Get in the car. Now!"
Emir wasn't having it. He tried to push his luck further, "And what if I don't ?"
The other man now inched closer and pressed the pistol on to Emir's sides, "We don't want you to get into more trouble than you already are in, do we?"
The atmosphere got more tense when the two other men who were waiting by the car, now came forward, with their hands gripped on their own weapons. Emir's eyes scanned between each man separately. He knew he could take them down easily, though there was a slight possibility of him getting hurt.
One of them sensed where Emir's mind was wandering off to. He pulled his gun out and pointed it towards the door of the house, "If you don't get in the car now, I will burst through this door and drag the girl out and will make sure she gets to where she needs to get."
Emir's hands twitched and he balled them into a fist. He grit his teeth when the image of Eda, tied up and hurt, on the floor, crossed his mind. And his promise to keep her safe was overpowering every other thought that ran in his mind.
He stood with his mind contemplating on many things at the same time. He knew what was happening. This wasn't anything new to Emir. They were the wolves. With hungry eyes for power and blood thirsty for the kill, rounding up on their prey. Leaving their target with no other option, but to cower and wait for a command from their alpha.

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