Meeting Hermione...

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After a long night listening to music, you and Sirius both fell asleep. He was lying flat on his back, spread out still clutching a bottle of firewhiskey in one hand whilst the other one was draped around you in an almost childlike manner. On the other hand, you had curled up into his side, snuggling into his chest with his arm over your shoulder.

You lay like that together until Kreacher, Sirius' house-elf, had stumbled upon you and alerted Remus (who for some reason he had taken a liking to) and that's where our scene starts.

You woke up to hear a rustling and some footsteps, in shock you grabbed the nearest thing and threw it at the maker of said noise. When you sat up, you saw Remus who was looking very confused, now drenched in a bottle of muggle alcohol that you had summoned sometime during the night.

"Sorry about the whiskey Remus" You offered grinning innocently.
"At least it wasn't a new suit I was wearing" The werewolf replied shaking his head.

That's when you noticed Sirius wasn't next to you.

"He went to write a letter to Harry, you should start getting ready. Hermione will be here in 3 hours and I know how long it takes you to get ready..." Remus said before leaving the room.

"Did he just insult me?" You muttered to yourself as you stood up. Halfway through clearing up the bottles a wave of nausea hit you.

"Damn hangover..." You complained. (I've never been drunk, I don't really know what a hangover is like...)

"Y'know talking to yourself isn't normal right?" Came a voice from the hallway. You turned around and gave Sirius a sour look.

"Thanks to you Mister, I'm bloody hungover!" You glared at him.

"Sorry Love" He replied sheepishly and passed you some aspirin.

You rolled your eyes and vanished the mess on the floor, shooing out Sirius as you got ready for the day ahead of you. Three hours flew by and when the doorbell rang, you rushed to the door to let Hermione in much to the confusion of everyone else in the house because you were being very out of character.

"Hello, you must be Hermione. I'm you Auntie (Y/N)" You greeted her and offered her a small grin.
Once she had gotten over the shock of being greeted by a young woman wearing gothic style clothes she offered a small smile back.

Before you could say anything else, Molly's son Ron (who you had taken an instant disliking to) shoved you out of the way and began to chat to Hermione. Not taking kindly to the interruption you hissed at the ginger boy and put your arm around Hermione leading her into the kitchen.

Hi guys, Bookwormwolf here, that's today's update. I hope you enjoyed it and please comment what you thought...


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