Heyo, Enora here! During the summer, I wrote a lot. I'd often have a couple of chapters written before they came out. Summer was pretty stressful at some points so I'd write to stay sane. But now I'm in my first year of college and finding time to write is getting harder as the weeks go by.
It's strange. In college, you spend less time actually learning from professors than you would spend learning from teachers in high school, yet all of the homework and stuff just takes up more time. That and the commute, gosh it's killing me.
Anyway, I'm just stalling for time now because the main reason why I'm writing this is because I ran out of extra chapters. To get back on schedule (if you haven't yet realized, I publish a chapter every five days) I'm going to instead publish this little author's note and character cast. Don't worry, there will be a chapter five days from now as usual (unless I forget or something)
So, without further ado, the characters of Spring's Unexpected Love!! <3
First off we have Ximena Cardenas (one of our wonderful main characters) I thought Tess Romano would be a good fit.
Next up we have Asher Reid (my favorite --- don't tell anyone) I couldn't decide between Chibs or mossy_socks so I'd say maybe a mix of both??
Spring's Unexpected Love
RomanceLove can be found in the most unexpected places. Ximena has been crushing on her friend, Luka, for a while now and plans on confessing to him. She plans everything down to the smallest detail only for everything to be ruined when he reveals that he...